Chapter 8

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What is this situation?! How I wish I am invisible now. All the other 4 guys of EXO-K sat at the next table, pretending to be doing their own things but glancing at our direction once awhile. It was as if they were afraid yet curious what will happen next. Jongin remained a composure expression, Baekhyun had a serious expression while Yerim... if looks could kill, I'll be long dead. I was the only one who is fidgeting out of nervousness and fear of what is going to happen next.

I looked at Yerim and noticed she was wearing her casual clothes and not her uniform. Also, she had her make-up put on. It's obvious that she is doing these for Jongin. Looking at me sitting between Jongin and Baekhyun, furthermore I'm touching Jongin, it must have angered her, a lot. She even told me (more like warn me) to stay away from Jongin, but now I'm sitting here next to him. She must have thought I am a shameless bitch.

I silently removed my hands and clutched my school bag that is sitting on my laps. This way, I am able to run should anything happen. "Sunbae, why are you here?" she stood next to the table and questioned me. I could feel my heart racing and my fingers trembling.'Why am I so guilty all of sudden?!' "I-I..." I stuttered, thinking of what to say to get out of this situation without creating any trouble. Than I noticed Jongin's expression, it was as if asking me 'what are you afraid of?' "I..." Jongin opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "I'm here to look for Baekhyun." I have a feeling if I let Jongin finish his sentence, it will make things worse. However, as soon as I finished my sentence, Jongin was glaring at me. He is mad, very mad... at me.

Baekhyun looked at my direction, he knows it clearly it isn't true. I think I made things worse... "so, sunbae, you're here to find Baekhyun oppa?" I nodded and laughed awkwardly, 'why isn't anyone helping me?!' "Yea... er... I gotta go, see you guys. Bye." I quickly took my bag and made my way out.

I have been avoiding Yerim today. Thankfully, she didn't came to look for me either. "I'm back." I called out as I reached home. As I took off my shoes, I noticed a male's shoes here. 'Don't tell me Minrae got herself a boyfriend! That'll be a miracle.' "Mum, is there a guest?" I made my way to the living room and saw mum sitting next to someone who was back-facing me. That back view looked familiar... isn't it ...

My expression went stiff when I noticed who was it and at the same time, he turned around. "Hi..." why is Jongin here?! And he's wearing his school uniform. Shouldn't he be with the rest of EXO-K?! "Jongin has been waiting for you for a long time already." mum grinned from ear-to-ear. Looks like Jongin has been making her happy with his sweet talks. What is he doing here?! For what happened yesterday? I couldn't tell from his expression. That jerk is too hard to read.

"Jongin, stay for dinner today, alright?" mum stood up and asked as she made her way to the kitchen. "Wouldn't that be troubling you?" "No, not at all!" "Okay than." I stared at the both of them unbelievably. How could he be so different when he's with others and when he's with me?! "Mrs Choi, I have something private to talk to Hyemin... can I go to her room?" my jaws dropped when he asked my mum that, there's no way my mum would... "of course! I'll call you both when it's time for dinner." Did my mum just agreed?! How could she?! I'm her daughter.

"Let's go." Before I could react, Jongin dragged me up to the 2nd level where my bedroom was. "I've something to discuss with you." he smiled. There's something behind that smile... what the hell is wrong with him? Can't he talk about it here? "W-wait. Talk here." he looked at me with that serious expression, "it's something private.. let's go."

"This is your room, right?" H-how did he know?! "What's with that shocked expression. It's not as if I've never been to your house before." He did, but it was when we were still 4... "what exactly are you up to?" I glared at him as he looked around my room. His expression changed from that smiling one to a serious one. "Yesterday... what's wrong with you?" He looked at me and asked. "W-what did I do?" Indeed it was about what happened yesterday.

"Did you really go there to look for Baekhyun hyung?" I got scared by his scary expression. "Didn't you go because of my message?" So it was him! "Don't tell me you don't even know who sent you the message..." I kept quiet, admitting it silently. "You don't even know who asked you out and you went?!" he glared at me and chided. "Asking you out is that easy?!" I glared at him, what is wrong with him?! "So you weren't there because I asked you to?" "No." What the hell is wrong with this guy?! He didn't even tell me who he is in the message, how am I suppose to know who is it?!

"Than why are you there?!" he spoke in a lower volume, perhaps considering the fact that my mum is downstairs. "To play." I decided to go against him. 'God... perhaps we were already arch enemies in our previous life.' "To play what?" "Just play." Why am I doing this, to be honest, I have no idea. But isn't he being too much?! He made it sounds as if I am someone who would sneak out in the midnight so long as there is a guy asking me out. But all these years, it was only him that is in my heart...

"Or are you there because you thought it was Baekhyun hyung who texted you?!" Of course not, I knew it was you that's why. But I didn't tell him that. "If you like him, just say!" he frowned at looked at me. I could see sadness and vexed in his eyes. I was shocked. Don't tell me he is jealous... god, he fell for me?! So he wanted to say that in front of everyone yesterday?! "Baekhyun he is a nice guy." "Baekhyun hyung is nice, so I'm asking you, do you like him?"

"Are you mute?!" Seeing that I am not replying him, he asked again. He seemed to be losing his patience. "Do you like Yerim?" 'God, why did I asked that?!' I am sure he would scold me for it. And indeed, he did. "Are you deaf or are you an idiot?" Must he used such hurtful words? "Didn't I tell you already, she is not my cup of tea." He suddenly leaned in, before I could react, he pulled my ear and yelled, "she. is. not. my. cup. of. tea." Bastard... it hurts! I rubbed my ear as he released. "Let me ask you again, do you like Baekhyun hyung?" I bit my lower lip and remained silence. "Do you want me to pull your ear again?" he smirked and threatened. "No!" I glared at him.

"Answer me." "It isn't any of your business." I gathered my courage and said, "whether I like him or not, it is none of your business." He froze for a moment and looked at me, "you came here specially to ask me this, do you have nothing else better to do?" Although I am slow at times, but I am not that dumb to not realised the fact that he likes me. But why all of sudden after all these years? Seeing him not responding, I looked at him and this time it was me who has a serious expression. "You like me don't you?" His eyes widened a little, "why do you think I would like you?" Don't tell me it was a misunderstanding...

"N-no?" my voice trembled a little. By asking that question, isn't it my third confession?! Am I going to be rejected again? My vision blurred from the tears that were threatening to fall. I clenched my fist, 'I can't shed a single tear, not now...' Is he playing with me? Being nice to me for a moment and nasty in another. Seeing me hurt again and again, is it so fun? "Why?" my voice trembled more now, my heart aching and lungs burning as it fights for oxygen. "Why must you play with me?!" I glared at him as hard as I could and he froze upon seeing my expression.

"Y-you..." "Shut up." I won't let him speak another word. Whenever he says something, I am bound to be hurt. "What did I do to you? Why must you play with my feelings and hurt my pride?" "Hyemin..." "Don't speak." I covered his mouth like what I did yesterday. "Why did you appear in front of me again? Why must you make me misunderstand?" tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably, "what did I do that makes you hurt me again and again?!" his eyes widened and looked at me, as if he is trying to read my thoughts.

"It's fine if you have no feelings for me, but must you hurt me and embarrass me? I'm a girl, I shamelessly confessed to you again and again, it's fine if you aren't touched or anything. But at least... at least..." I felt as if something was stuck in my throat and I couldn't continue. And my tears continue to fall. "Get out. Now." My hands clenched into fist and I punched his chest. "I hate you, I don't want to fall for you ever again." 

He stood there and let me hit him, "from now on, I won't like you anymore. I-I am going to date Baekhyun. He'll definitely be better than you!" He sighed as he looked at me without saying a word. "Y-you're really going to date him?" "Yes." Didn't you make it sounds as if I am those easy girls that dates anyone who asks them out? Fine, I'll accomplish your wish. "Do you like him?" "Yes." "What kind of like?" his tone might not sound as if he is being serious about this, but his expression definitely is. "Just like how you like me?" 

Yes. I answered mentally, but for some unknown reasons, I couldn't bring myself to say it. "There are many kind of likes, which one?" "None of your business." "It is mine, because... I like you!" 

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