Chapter 9

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What did he just said?! He must be playing with me! 'Don't fall for it again.' I glared at him but all I could see in his eyes were ... love?! And he actually is smiling. "Y-you like me?!" I asked again, voice trembling. "Can't I?" "But you never liked me." "Now I do, can't I?" "But..." "I wanna say it in front of everyone yesterday but you stopped me." He sounded as if he is blaming me. "But won't that spoil your friendship?" "Our friendship is not that weak." he chuckled. 'Okay, now he is being really weird that it's scary.'

"So you like me now?" he nodded, "yea. I like you now." "What 'bout last time? How much do you dislike me in the past?" "I didn't." He didn't?! "Than why did you always says those hurtful words when I confessed?!" This jerk... what's with that contradicting words... "think about it, what you did before you confess?" I paused for a moment and think back. "What did I do?" "Why did you play with Luhan?" I could see anger in his eyes again. "After he bullied you, before you confessed, you were having fun as you played with him." he mentioned this before didn't he? What has that got to do with him rejecting me? All I did was being forgiving...

"Than when we're 13... why did you embarrass me in front of everyone by saying I have no curves? Do you know how hurtful it is?!" I glared at him. Why is he holding in his laughter?! "What are you laughing at?" "It's true, isn't it?" "Y-you!" "Don't you remember what you did the day before you confess?" To be honest, I don't. So I shook my head. "Knew it. Your brain doesn't function well anyway." Must he always be like this to me?! "What I did?"

"When was it when you confess?" "Valentine's day..." Wait... I remembered. "And what you did the day before it?" I didn't do anything, did I...? "You girls were making chocolates, right?" "I think so..." why is he remembering all these things?! "Who you gave yours to?" I gave it to... crap. I remembered I was suppose to give it to him but because I did a really bad job that everyone was laughing and saying it looked as if an elephant stepped on it, I don't dare to give it to him. So I.... "you gave it to Luhan, didn't you?" Did I? I think I did... Shit. "You gave the chocolates you made that was suppose to be for someone you're confessing to. But you gave it to him and you confessed to me next. Do you think I'll accept you?!"

Isn't he being too calculating?! I knew it was my fault but... "So you remember now?" "The chocolate, I really didn't do it well. How do you expect me to give it to you?" "Even if you didn't do it well, it's the thoughts that count!" Thoughts? Right. You'll probably laugh your ass off. "So because I played with Luhan and I gave him those chocolates, you rejected me on purpose?"

"Half of the reason is this." "What's the other half?" He paused for a moment. "I want to test if do you really like me." I glared at him, he really is a jerk! "You should learn from Yerim. Despite me ignoring her, giving her cold shoulders and being mean to her, she never gives up. But after rejecting you, you hid away from me." So... he rejected me is not because he doesn't like me?

"So you liked me all along didn't you?" he frowned, but beneath the frowns, I could see the shyness in his eyes. I thought it was me who is liking him only all along, so I was wrong. "Shouldn't you be honest that you like me? Why are you pretending -" before I could finish, he pinched both sides of my cheeks. "Don't be too proud." He leaned in so close that I could see myself in his eyes. "I am just being sympathy and pitying you. I accept you only because you like me up till now." I couldn't believe this jerk.

"I don't need it. Don't forget your friend likes me too." "So? But you like only me, don't you?" he smiled confidently. "Yah, from now on, you're mine." he leaned in again and said. "Eh?!" "What? I like you and you like me too, isn't it?" I blushed at his words, "but lemme tell, no... lemme warn you. Don't you dare do anything stupid." What stupid things? Whatever, just agree first. I nodded. "Good. Or I'll break up with you if you do so."

He suddenly leaned in and pecked me on the lips which earned him a punch. Why did I hit him?! "You!" "Hyemin, Jongin!" I heard mum called from downstairs. She's my savior. "Time for dinner." I laughed and ran downstairs.

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