Chapter 12

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'Is there anyone called Yihan in our class?' I paused and thought for a moment, however from what I remembered, there is none. He shook his head again and sighed, "babo! Remember Lulu?" he knocked me on the head lightly. I eyes widened in shock when I realised who he is. "Omo! Luhan?!" He chuckled and nodded his head, "yep. my mum made me change my name after the divorce." I eyed him from head to toe back to the head. He has changed, a lot. What has puberty did to him?! "You've changed, a lot... you're skinnier and your hair... it's golden brown now. Wow." I laughed in disbelief how much he had changed and the fact that I didn't recognise him at the first sight.

He pout slightly and whined, "I knew it was you from the first sight yet you took so long to realise it's me. Yah! What kind of friend are you?! Don't you call yourself my best friend." he frowned slightly before burst out laughing. He pulled me into a hug that was suffocating, "I miss you so much, Minnie-ah!" It was my turn to pout, "me too! You have no idea what I've been through after you left." He broke into that sweet smile I've missed, "tell me than, we have all the time to catch up." He reminded me that we have the whole day for ourselves as the teachers decided to let us wonder about on our own for a day. Same goes for his school.

"What a small world, I never expect Kai to be SM Academy..." Luhan laughed bitterly. "You're still holding grudge for what happened that year?" I sat down next to him, playing with the flower I just plucked and looked up at him after asking. He shook his head which surprised me, "I went to spoke to him the very next day, but he ignored me." I didn't know about this... "he must have hated me a lot for doing that to you..." I cut him off, "It was because of me. He stood up for me and revenged on you yet I played with you while he was punished."

He blinked a while, "I didn't knew you had such a great memory!" He nudged me teasingly, "No, it was him who told me about it. I don't have the time to remember such things." Luhan paused for a moment before bursting into laughers. "He likes you, a lot." I stared at him in disbelief, what the hell is wrong with this guy?! Jongin likes me?! It's impossible!

"He hated me a lot, he won't like me. I'm probably the most annoying person he ever met." I sighed sadly as I stared at my feet. "You really don't know guys well..." that sentence, Lu Qing said that to me once, they are indeed siblings. "if he doesn't like you, he won't have cared. If he don't care, he won't get mad at you." What Luhan said made sense, so does it means that Jongin likes me too?

"Want me to tell you a secret that I wanna tell you before I left but never had a chance to..." I nodded eagerly, "I've always liked you actually... that was why I always bullied you. And I've stopped after I realised how much you love him. That's why I am now, your best friend." He smiled, but within that smile there seemed to be slight sadness and regret.

"You're dating him?" Luhan asked out of nowhere. "Not really.... I don't know actually..." I sighed and my heart clenched at the thought. We went on chatting about random stuffs and then I told him the reasons why Jongin rejected me twice. He was still around when I confessed the second time. He only left weeks after that incident. I am still surprise at how much he changed in only around 4 years.

After hearing the reasons, Luhan laughed again, "you're really slow.... babo." I frowned, "Yah!" why is everyone calling me slow? "Kai is obviously jealous!" J-jealous? I can't believe my ears. "Because you were close to me, and you gave chocolates to others. It's most obvious when he's being angry at you yet you failed to see it." Is that true? So he wanted to confess to me in front of Baekhyun is because of this? "Did you see how angry he was when I approached you yesterday at the temple? It's obvious he wants you for himself only and no one else can get near to you."

I was speechless when I found out about this. "And why aren't you sure if you're dating?" Luhan prompted. I told him what happened and he chuckled before ruffling my hair. "Do you wanna know what I think?" I nodded slowly, signaling him to continue, "I think he likes you way too much." "B-but he said we're no longer in a relationship, you heard that didn't you?" He shook his head, "he's obviously angry that's why."

"Xiao Lu, you really think so?" I used his nickname that I gave unknowingly. "I guarantee you, he loves you and it hasn't change, not a single bit. He's only a insecure, possessive and control freak that's why. Partly because his parents never notice nor love him that much... and after he fall in love with you, he was afraid he would lose you that's why he would rather push you away than letting you leave him. Yes, it's a selfish act but pushing your loved ones away hurt more and needed more courage than the ones being pushed away."

Hearing his words, I felt relieved. "Minnie, do you wanna do an experiment with me to confirm his feelings for you?" I nodded eagerly, "what experiment?" Luhan grinned sheepishly, "let's go on a date, pretending to be couples." My jaw dropped at his suggestion. Firstly because it was unbelievable, and secondly, Lu Qing suggested that too. They are indeed are siblings! Like brother like sister.

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