Chapter 18

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It has been a month since they had sex. Because of that, Hyemin found out that Kai has been single before he got together with her. It surprises her, a lot. But she was happy too because she was the same, being single until she realised it isn't a one-sided relationship between herself and Kai. Their relationship is now known to everyone, most of them gave their best wishes to this couple. At the same time, there were some who were unhappy about Hyemin being with Kai so Hyemin has gotten herself a handful of haters.

Hyemin opened her locker and letters that were over-filling the locker fell on the ground. Some were letters from fans that love "KaiMin" couple - a couple name given by their 'fans', some were from her haters that were threatening her to break up with Kai. "Hye, cheer up!" Lu Qing squatted down next to Hyemin and picked up those letters, "don't worry... haters gonna hate. There's nothing we can do about it. 'kay?" Hyemin just smiled sadly and remained silent. She has been moody for the past few days, she is also being very emotional for unknown reason.

"Hye, let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry~" Lu Qing did some aegyo which successfully made Hyemin chuckled. "You've been weird, is everything alright?" Lu Qing asked as she sat herself down opposite Hyemin after she has gotten her food. "I don't know... I've been really emotional these few days, it's like... it isn't me." Hyemin frowned as she tried to explain but couldn't put her feelings into words and got frustrated. She groaned as she ruffled her hair, "god, what the fuck is wrong?!"

"'Okay, I guess maybe it's your time of the month?" Lu Qing guessed that's when it dawned on Hyemin that she was late for slightly more than 3 weeks. Hyemin shot up and gasped. "Fuck.... I'm late for about 3 weeks..." she muttered. It has never been late for more than a week, let alone more than 3 weeks. Lu Qing choked on her spaghetti as she heard Hyemin's words. "Wait, don't tell me you and Jongin... fuck, oppa is going to kill him!" Lu Qing couldn't imagine the scene if Luhan finds out that Jongin took Hyemin's innocence.

Hyemin glared at Lu Qing, "you're missing the important point!" Hyemin exasperated as she groaned, "what if I'm pregnant..." she whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear about it. "I'm still a high school student..." Hyemin felt herself panicking as tears welled up her eyes. Lu Qing panicked after seeing Hyemin being about to burst into tears. "Let's meet 'em before deciding what to do, okay?" Hyemin wiped away her tears quickly before nodding, feeling thankful she had Lu Qing by her side.

"J-jongin oppa..." Hyemin gathered the courage and decided to tell him the news of her pregnant. She has confirmed it earlier after getting the pregnancy kit and tested. It was positive. She was about to break the news when she felt as if something was stuck in her throat, not allowing her to speak. Hyemin frowned as she looked at Lu Qing, asking for help. Jongin started to feel uneasy for some unknown reasons. 'Is she going to break up with me? What happened? Is she going to leave me?' His heart shattered at these thoughts.

"Kai oppa..." Lu Qing sighed in defeat as she decided to break the news to him in Hyemin's place. "I don't know it's a good news or bad news for you..." Lu Qing hesitated, both women are unsure of his reaction. Hyemin, after all, feared it'll be too overwhelming and stressful for Jongin to handle the news and might leave her or make her abort their child. "What is it?!" Jongin groaned and demanded, almost going insane with the suspense. Hyemin sighed, "I don't know it's a good or a bad news for you..." she mumbled.

"What news?" Jongin frowned and looked at Hyemin than at Lu Qing, before diverting back to Hyemin. "I'm p-pregnant... I think." Hyemin gathered the bits of courage she had left and break the news. Jongin's jaw dropped when he heard those words from Hyemin. "W-what?!" He could hardly react, not knowing if he had heard it wrongly. Hyemin couldn't tell what Jongin is thinking just by his expression and that worried her. Is he going to break up with her and say they're his burden? She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realised she is in Jongin's arms until he lifted her and yelled, "I'm going to be appa!!!"

She looked over at Jongin's face worriedly, but all the worries she had vanished when all she sees on his face is excitement, happiness and anticipation. "Hyemin..." Jongin whispered sweetly before kneeling down on one knee in front of her, "I know I didn't make any preparation for this, I know I am mean to you at times and I am really awkward at expressing my feelings, but... I love you. I am confident I will love you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" He looked at her, waiting for her answer. Part of him is still uncertain. What if she decided to abort the child instead? What if she rejected his proposal? Many 'what ifs' filled his mind. "Yes! Oh my god, of course!" Beads of tears streamed down her rosy cheeks as she nodded repeatedly. He stood up and pulled her into his embrace. "I will make the wedding the best in your life."

"With you, every moment is the best." She mumbled shyly and she heard him chuckled, "that should be my line." He whispered and kissed her temple before leaning down and peck her nose, than her lips. "Let's go to the doctor tomorrow."

It was confirmed Hyemin was pregnant. She is pregnant for 6 weeks already and the wedding is set in 3 weeks' time. "Yah, Kim Jongin! You haven't proposed to her officially and you wanna marry her?!" Lu Han kicked Jongin on his butt with his shin. "Hyung! It hurts! And that's why I gathered all of you here! I need your help... I'm planning an event for her but it can be done only with your help..." Jongin said as he rubbed his ass which is still aching. Getting kicked by Luhan is no joke especially when he is in the soccer team, furthermore, the ace among the players!

"Jongin, what you plan to do?" Kyungsoo walked into the living room with a plate of spicy rice cake on one hand and a plate of kimbap on the other. "Let's wait for the rest to join us first." All of EXO-K soon gathered around, so does EXO-M. EXO-M is a group of 6 boys, a 'brother-gang' with EXO-K. The oldest was Xiumin who joined in after getting to know Luhan as both of them are in soccer team. Luhan was the second oldest, followed by Kris, a basketball team member of Chanyeol. Next was Lay who was Jongin made friend with after he had moved, and Chen was a childhood friend of D.O. And lastly Tao, Kris' bestfriend.

After the 12 of them are present, they gathered around and planned out a plan, discussing every detail to the extend whereby it seemed to be perfect. It was only when they are satisfied with how they can't seemed to find any more flaws, than they called it off for the day.

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