Wedding- 2

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A slow version of Marriage D'amour filled the room and a lump caught up in Alfonso's throat. It was happening finally. Oh God, if his stupid childhood wish was coming true then the heavenly forces were supposed to excuse him, it was just a stupid crazy need to have a young sister. He had not meant to really have her like now. His breath hitched as he stared at the remainder of the isle they were going to walk together.

This was a nightmare. Worse of all he had been told only last night. His fingers curled into a tight fist when he thought of his father's outburst as he threw the tuxedo towards his face. This was not what he had vowed to do as an eight year old. No, wishes don't come true.

Santa doesn't exist.

Easter Bunnies are just a kindergarten fable.

The church doors opened and a bright light struck him portraying a huge muscled silhouette on the wall. It was like a scenario from a dream he had never had or a scene from a forbidden movie. The light was blinding and as he turned to looked at her expressionless face an image of Melanie settled in his mind.

This was supposed to be her. It was supposed to be Melanie but she... She had run away- no, disappeared leaving an unsatisfied husband nursing an infected wound without a bandage. A broken heart never to be sealed.

He sighed. He was not supposed to think of her. This was unchaste.

He listened to the slow rhythm of her footsteps. Tamed. Planned. Structured. Designed. Well tutored.

This was not baby Helly anymore. This was Helena McAfee. A knew person. A person he did not know. A person he had never met. Her father stopped her next to him as he raised his elbow letting her coil her hand in his. They slowly made their way towards the priest. This was not his idea of an ideal marriage. But... What was his idea of an ideal marriage?

"We are joined together today by the holy matrimony of Alfonso Diego- the son Hadley Diego and Tarma (Flaude) Diego and Helena McAfee the daughter of Nicholas McAfee and Lady Marla (Jackson) McAfee." There was a round of applause and the silence dawned again.

"It is my pleasure to join the two before the eyes of the Lord, it would however be my duty to hear it from the about to be wed that they are indeed ready to assume the status to be granted to them... Helena McAfee it is of great importance that at this juncture you vow in front of your spouse to be, the congregation and the Lord that you do accept to be wife to him."

"I, Helena McAfee vow today by the depth of my soul and blood in my veins to always be wife to him. I shall never bend with the bender to remove. I will not alter when alteration presents itself. I swear by the bones that keep me strong and the veins that keep me alive to follow all that the guardians of this marriage shall propose.

"I guarantee you respect, endurance, and commitment in the course of the marriage. I promise to stretch out my hand to as far as I can reach. I promise, if I fail God pronounce me what he did Gomorrah... I promise to always be confident in justifying the marriage, no matter how dysfunctional it may become. I swear... I will neither bend nor bow even when tribulation strikes. I promise to promise him to always do my best to make this functional. The rest is not in my hands and I can neither pledge with my life or blood to achieve it but I can just look up to the heavens and ask for strength."

Her promise had been simple. No love... But had promised to do her best. No roses and tulips, but respect and endurance. It was dry- a promise to promise. Not to promise love but to promise endurance. No summers with singing birds and pink blossoms. No blue skies and fluffy clouds.

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