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i exit the cave and find arthur sitting beside the horses.

so are you ready to give up yet? arthur asks me as i approach him.

balinor is gathering his stuff and then we can leave. i say.

wait he has agreed to help? arthur asks.

yes. i reply

how did you convince him to help. arthur asks.

i just told him who my mother was and i told him how she is and he has agreed to help as long as uther agrees to let him return to eldor afterwards and lets him live in piece and keeps his word this time.

balinor walks out of the cave with his things.

alright lets go. he says.


were two days into our trek back to camelot and i get the feeling that we are being followed.

do you feel like we are being followed? i ask arthur and balinor.

you're just being paranoid merlin. arthur says.

suddenly 6 men jump out of the trees we fight them off but just as i think we have won ballinor throws me to the side just as a dagger flies through the air right where i was standing a second earlier and impales  ballinor instead.

NOOO!!!!! i shout as ballinor falls.

i run to balinor as arthur fights the last guy.

you are the last dragon lord now. balinor says to me. you are the only one who can stop kilgharrah. 

how? i ask him.

if you speak to him as kin then he must obey you. balinor replies.

what if i can't? i ask.

then just remember that a dragon's heart is on his right side. he says before his eyes close and he is still.

arthur comes over to me.

he is dead. i tell him.

bandits? i ask him looking over at the six dead men.

he shakes his head. Cenrids men we are about to cross over the border between his kingdom and camelot. 

we quickly bury ballinor and ride hard until we reach camelot.


we reach camelot in the early afternoon we run straight to the throne room where uther is talking with guias. uther looks up as we enter. 

you're back. he exclaims. where is the dragon lord?

he is dead father. arthur says. we were attacked near the border he sacrificed his life to save ours. arthur says knowing uther would be angry if he found out ballinor had died saving just me.

uther bows his head in defeat.


im sorry. guais says to me as im helping to dress the wounds of even more injured.

he told me i was the last dragon lord. i say to guais. it makes sense guais says. the powers of a dragon lord are passed down from father to his eldest son.

but i cant control kilgarah. i say. 

the powers are only passed down when the father dies. guais says.

so now that my father is dead i will be able to tell kilgarah what to do.

yes but i do not think it is that easy. guais says.

ballinor told me that i had to speak of him as kin.

MERLIN.... we hear from outside. 

sire i say as arthur walks through the door.

i need you to prepare seven horses i am taking six of our finest horses and fighting the dragon. arthur says.

of course when do we leave. i ask.

you are not coming its to dangerous. 

but... i begin to protest but arthur buts in.

no buts its to dangerous and  that's final now go and prepare the horses. arthur says.

yes sire. i say 


good luck i say as arthur and the knights ride off.

as soon as their out of sight i grab my own horse and ride  after them making sure they don't see me.

i round a bend and don't see arthur or any of the knights any where so i dismount quietly and look around suddenly a hand is covering my mouth and pulling me back. i turn around and see arthur and the knights staring at me. 

what are you doing here? arthur asks taking his hand off my mouth.

well you just pulled me behind these bushes so you tell me. i say.

aggghhh. theres no point in telling you to go back to camelot is there? arthur says.

not really no. i reply.

well come on then we need to take care of this dragon. arthur says. as he mounts his horse. but when we get there you are to remain hidden in the trees. arthur says. 

fine. i say.

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