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I take off my helmet and look at morgana who starts running down towards the arena I look at Arthur and uther who have there mouths open like O's when morgana gets to me she doesn't hug me, she doesn't even smile instead she slaps me as hard as she can and I fall over a collective gasp of oohs can be heard.

when I can finally stand I rub where she slapped me and look at her and she smiles and hugs me.

don't you ever leave again you hear me. she says.

I hear you. I say.
I see uther and Arthur walking up to me with every knight following behind.

I give morgana a nudge to let her know there coming.

hello Arthur I say, my Lord I say bowing to uther.

hello Merlin they both say.

I guess you have a lot of questions for me. I say.

actually just one says uther.
why did you leave?

I believed that you were going to either behead me or banish me. I say.

I wasn't going to do either. he says.

I look up at him as he continues.

there is to be a feast Tonight to celebrate the safety of morgana and today's victory I would like you to attend not as a servant but as an honoured guest. and bring Gaius. he says as he leaves.

so Merlin. Arthur says. my armor needs polishing and.....

NO Arthur. I am no longer your man servant. I say as I start walking away.

Merlin wait. he calls after me.

no Arthur I am tired I have been running non stop for more than a day to get back here in time to save morgana. I have done that and now I need to sleep. I say as I continue walking.

see you at the feast Merlin. morgana calls after me.

when I get to Gaius' chambers I see him coming out of my old room.

hey I yawn.

go lay down Merlin. he says I have just made your bed for you.

thank you Gaius I say as I walk to my room. oh and uther has asked both of us to attend the feast tonight as guests. I say .

I fall onto my bed and instantly I'm asleep.

Merlin and morganaWhere stories live. Discover now