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three days after the first attack

were over run my lord we need more people to help with the injured were also running out of herbs so I need people to help me gather more and we need to do somthing about the dead were running out of space in the courtyard for them. I say.

Alright how many people does guais need and how many do you need to help gather herbs? Uther asks.

At least five with guais and three to help with the herbs. I say.

Alright arthur go with merlin, anyone that he or guais needs you get I do not care what they are doing, keeping the people alive is our first priority, and get a few knights to prepare a large burial fire we will have a mass funural tonight to burn the bodies of the fallen.

Yes father. Arthur says.

Thank you my lord. I say bowing to the king.


Five hours later

I get back to guais with the three servants that Arthur got to help me with gathering herbs with four large bags full of different types of herbs.

Well done you four that should do us for quite a while. Guais says as we put the bags down.

You three can go now. I tell the servants.
Thank you for your help.

They all nod to me and go back to their duties.

Hows it going in here? I ask

Its going a lot better with this extra help but we are constantly getting more and more injured we need to put a stop to this dragon. guais says.

well I don't know what to do i have tried using magic to harm it but nothing works. i say.

I need to go and speak to the king you should come with me. guais says.



guais and i walk into the throne room while Arthur and Uther are talking.

we need to work out how to kill this thing. Arthur says. we are losing more and more men and citizens.

i do not know how we can stop the dragon. Uther says.

i may be able to help there my lord. guais says.

what do you mean? how? Uther asks

well my lord we may not be able to kill it but if my memory serves me correctly there is one who can command the dragon to leave. guais says.

what is he talking about father. Arthur asks

the last dragon lord. Uther whispers under his breath. we were never able to locate him he was always one step ahead of us.

exactly my lord but we do know he resided in ealdor for a time if we send someone there we may be able to find information on his whereabouts or at least a trail to follow. guais replies.

that is a good idea but we do not have any one that knows the quickest route to ealdor and time is of the essence. Uther replies.

I do. i say stepping forward.  i grew up there and i met king Olof and princess Marian there.

alright arthur you and Merlin will ride to ealdor immediately i do not care what it takes find the dragon lord and return him to Camelot. Uther commands.

yes father we will leave within the hour and will not rest until we have reached ealdor. Arthur says.


remember you cannot let arthur know that balinor is your father. guais replies. now go oh and Merlin if anyone would know where to find him it would be your mother.


i meet arthur by the horses just as its starting to get dark.

we will not rest until we reach ealdor arthur as we mount our horses and ride off.

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