CHAPTER I secrets begin pt 1

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"TIME TO GET UP MERLIN"!!. Gaius shouts.

"Do you have to shout every morning"? I groan.

"well if you got up on time I wouldn't have to shout would I". Gaius replies.

"it's not my fault Arthur makes me work all day and night". I say.

suddenly there's a knock on the door and lady morgana rushes in with tears in her eyes. my heart skipped a beat as it always does when I see her.

I know she will want to talk to Gaius alone so I grab my breakfast and bow to lady morgana and say goodbye to Gaius as I leave the chambers.

"What can I do for you my lady"? Gaius asks.

"it's the nightmares Gaius there getting worse and things are starting to happen I wake up and things are broken and last night ... oh it was horrible I woke and my chambers were on fire I think its magic Gaius I'm scared I don't know what's happening to me".
"what do I do Gaius"?. askes morgana.

"I don't know replies Gaius but I don't believe it to be magic perhaps Gwen left a candle alight".

"NO" shouts morgana "why won't you believe me"? she cries as she rushes out of Gaius' chambers.

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