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2 months later

Gwen is standing off to one side in the throne room with Arthur's new man servant David while uther addresses the knights with Arthur and morgana by his side when the doors are suddenly opened and a serving girl rushes in.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? shouts uther.

I'm sorry my Lord but king Odin request your Council

king Odin is here now? asks uther.

yes my Lord she stammers.

well send him in then. uther says.

knights you are dismissed. uther says.

king Odin uther says. what brings you to Camelot? he asks.

well uther I wish to make a royal challenge. Odin replies.

what is a royal challenge father. Arthur asks.

when a king challenges another king in a royal challenge then the challenger choses his best warrior to fight all the knights of the challenged kingdom.

if the challenger is defeated the he leaves with nothing however if the challenger is not defeated then a royal of the challenging kings choice becomes the slave of the challenging king.

and a royal challenge cannot be turned down. says Odin.

so who is the royal of your choice Odin? asks uther.

why it's lady morgana of course. Odin replies.

I will not accept this says Arthur.

Arthur if the royal challenge is not honored then Odin will leave with morgana.

so the next day all of Camelot gathers in the arena to watch the royal challenge.

one by one the knights of Camelot fight against Odins chosen warrior and one by one the knights are defeated until all the knights have been defeated.

you have defeated all of my knights but now you must fight me. Arthur says. he walks onto the arena and the fight begins.

the fight lasts longer than most but eventually the warrior kicks Arthur's legs out from underneath him and puts his sword to Arthur's throat and and he is forced to submit.

you have defeated my knights and my son. but now you must fight me uther king of Camelot. uther says.

uther fights with all he has but he is soon forced to submit.

uther stands and walks back to his seat before saying. you have defeated my knights, you have defeated my son Prince Arthur and you have defeated me uther king of Camelot. uther says.
I therefore have to declare you.

WAIT!!! Gaius shouts. as he runs into the arena with Geoffrey ( the royal librarian) closely be hind him.

what is the meaning of this? uther asks.

Geoffrey and I have been going over the rules of a royal challenge and we believe we have found the right one. Gaius replies.

what do you mean the right one? uther asks.

well Geoffrey says.
the rules state. and he starts reading from the book.
in the event of a royal challenge all knights from the challenged kingdom must fight however not all fighters need be knights.

what is the point of this? uther asks.

well my Lord we have someone getting ready to fight who is not a knight. says Gaius.

he then shouts out.


morgana, uther and Arthur watch from their seats as the fighter steps out of the changing tent and walks to the arena and steps in. the fighter is wearing a full suite of armor and a helmet is obscuring his face.

you have defeated the knights of Camelot the greatest knights in the land, you have defeated Arthur Prince of Camelot and you have defeated uther king of Camelot. but now I stand before you to accept your challenge. the fighter shouts.

morgana watches as Odins knight deals blow after blow to the New fighter who is struggling to block them. and she thinks the fight will be over soon as the fighter is forced into a corner.
suddenly the new fighter strikes Odins knight before he can block and keeps attacking the knight and finally forcing the knight back. and when Odins knight tries to attack the fighter swings his sword as hard as he can to the knights knee and the knight collapses sideways. surrender the fighter says. but Odins knight stabs at the fighter. the fighter jumps back and Odins knight stands so the fighter swings his sword through the knights stomach and the knight falls to his knees then onto his face dead.

Arthur watches as Odins knight falls forward dead.

what is your name? uther asks the fighter.

Arthur, uther and morgana watch as the fighter removes his helmet in response to reveal Merlin.

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