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Morgana! Gaius calls as she is about to enter her chambers.

yes Gaius she says.

ah well Merlin didn't leave me two letters he actually left me three one for you. Gaius says handing her the letter.

thank you Gaius she says. and enters her chambers and closes the door.

she opens the letter and starts to read.


I'm sorry
I'm sorry for not saying hello when I woke up.
I'm sorry I never managed to say goodbye.

but most of all I'm sorry I never got to say I love you.

I love you morgana I always will I will never forget you.

goodbye my love.

tears start falling down her face and she cries and a vase smashes.

Arthur and Gwen come rushing in when they hear a smash.

they see morgana holding a letter with fresh tears running down her face.

it will be alright morgana. Arthur says.

no it won't. Morgana cries. look at what he wrote me. she says handing Arthur the letter.

Arthur and Gwen read the letter together. they looked at morgana with there mouths open.

oh morgana I'm so sorry. Arthur says to her

emerys, emerys I hear in my mind.

who are you I say.

I am a druid and I can help remove the enchantment on you.

really. I say.

yes come to me you know where to go.

I get to the druids the next day.

I am emerys I say you said you could help.

yes come and we will begin


it takes two weeks but the enchantment is finally lifted. when I wake there is no sign of the druids so I head back to Camelot.

I get to Camelot two days later and the two guards at the gate see me and run up and put me on there shoulders and walk as fast as they can to the courtyard where uther, Arthur, morgana and some knights are preparing to leave. before anyone notices the guards shout ALL HAIL MERLIN, ALL HAIL MERLIN, at this uther, Arthur, and morgana turn and see me on the guards shoulders.

uther says something and runs to the castle moments later he returns with Gaius.

the guards put me down and morgana runs to me and crushes me in a hug.

I love you too. she whispers not letting go.

after a minute she lets go and Arthur envelopes me in the sort of hug you would give to a long lost brother.

thank you Merlin you saved us all. uther says.
how can we repay you?

it was nothing my Lord. I say.

I just hope I don't have to leave again. I say.

we were just about to leave for a hunting trip if you want to join us. uther says.

I think I will get some sleep. I say. I will explain everything when you return.

of course. uther says.


he has been asleep since you left yesterday. I hear Gaius say when I wake up.

hey. I say as I walk out of my room and see Gaius talking to Arthur.

hey hero. Arthur says smiling at me.

how are you feeling? Gaius asks me.

okay considering. I say.

considering what? Arthur says.

I will explain later. I say.
can you tell uther that I would like to talk to the council about my experiences over the last 3 weeks. I ask Arthur. I believe it to be important.

of course. Arthur says and leaves the room.

once Arthur is gone I turn to Gaius to ask him something.

what do you know about someone called balinor? I ask him.

ah well I know he is or was a dragon Lord. there are rumors that he escaped when uther was going after the dragon Lord's. Gaius says. why do you ask? he asks.

well the druids believe me to be his son. I reply.

you had better sit down. Gaius says.
when balinor escaped Camelot he went to ealdor where he hoped to start a new life but after a year Camelot guards found him and he was forced to leave but he had no idea his wife was pregnant so he believed it safer for her to remain in ealdor. Gaius says. his wife was your mother.

so balinor is my father. I say.

yes. he replies.

wow. I say. Just as Arthur walks into the chambers.

uther wishes to see you both when you are ready. Arthur says.

I could I grab something to eat first. I ask.

of course what do you want? Arthur asks.

just some fresh baked bread. I say.

sure we will stop by the bakers stand on the way. Arthur says.

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