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How long has merlin been one of your solders for uther? Olof asks.

Oh merlin isn't a solder he is arthers personel man servant.
Uther replies.

Really? But he fights like a knight. Marian says.

Yes well thats a bit of a long story. Uther says. One i think arthur or morgana would be better off explaining.

So arthur how is it that merlin came to be a great fighter but not a soldier? olof asks.

Ah well merlin went....... travling a while back and on his travels he met up with a good friend of camalots lancelot. who also happens to be one of the greatest fighters we have seen in a while unfortunatly he got in a bit of trouble and had to leave.
Any way merlin met up with lancelot a couple of times during his travels and lancelot taught him to fight.

Ok so why is merlin not a soldier of camalot then. Olof asks.

Ah well while merlin was on his travels king odin arived in camalot and issued a royal challenge and his prize was to be the lady morgana. Luckily guais managed to get a message to merlin in time because by the time merlin had gotten back to camalot odins knight had defeated all of camalots knights and soon after he defeated myself and then my father.

Thankfully merlin turned up in time he fought odins knight and managed to defeat him. Arthur says.

Ok so then why did he not become a solder. Olofs head knight jacobs asks.

Ah yes well that night my father and i were talking about it and had agreed to offer merlin the chance to become a soldier but merlin made the mistake of being a little more friendy with morgana than my father seemed to like. Arthur says.

Oho I see. Olof says
Your a lucky man merlin.

Hows that? I ask.

You still have your head attached to your shoulders. Olof laughed.

The entire room erupted with laughter including uther.

Yea I guess that is a bonus. I say laughing.

Suddenly the doors burst open and a knight burst through.
Sire were under attack. The knight says.

WHAT BY WHO? Uther shouts.

Not by who sire but by what. The knight replies.

THEN BY WHAT? Uther shouts.

A....A....A dragon sire. The knight says.

Uthers face turns white as all the blood goes from his face.

After a while arthur speaks up when It becoms evident that his father isnt.

Are you sure it is a dragon.

Yes sire I saw it with my own eyes. The knight says.

Knights with me. shouts arthur.
You too merlin. Morgana stay with my father. He shouts.

Arther, the eight knights that were in the hall and I follow the knight out to the courtyard where we see nearly half of the lower town has been set alight and flyimg over head is none other than killgarah.

Merlin and morganaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin