CHAPTER II secrets begin pt 2

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I finish my breakfast just as I get to Arthur's chambers and walk over to the Windows and throw open the curtains and bath the still sleeping Arthur in the bright morning Sun and shout TIME TO GET UP in the best impression of Gaius I can.

"I will prepare your breakfast once I have prepared your clothes sire". I say

"No once you have prepared my clothes you can go and check on Morgana for me I heard her screams again last night". replies Arthur.

"As you wish sire" I say with a smile that I hide from Arthur as I finish preparing his clothes and head off towards Morgana's chambers happy to be seeing Morgana again so soon.

I get to morgana's chambers just as Gwen in leaving. morgana see's me and invites me in.

"what brings you to my chambers Merlin"?. she asks

"Arthur asked me to come and see how you are he said he heard your screams last night and right you were to scream what happened in here"? are you alright. I ask.

"I don't know Merlin I tried to tell Gaius what I thought was happening but he wouldn't believe me he said Gwen probably left a candle alight". she replies.

"it's possible I say but Gwen's never forgotten a candle before". I say

"exactly" she says.

"why don't you tell me what you told Gaius and I will try to help understand"  I say

"I don't know Merlin if I told you you wouldn't be able to tell a sole". she says

"don't worry you can trust me I'm your friend remember". I say as I walk towards her and put my hand on her shoulder but she flinches so I take it away.

"I...I... I think it's magic Merlin and I'm scared I don't know what to do". she replies

"magic" I say. "well that would explain a lot especially if you can't control it while you sleep it would explain the fire and the broken things".

"so you think it's magic"? she asks.

"yes" I say. "and I understand how you must feel right now". I say


crap I think now I've upset her so I do the only thing that I can think of to calm her down.
I gently touch her arm and guide her to her bed and she sits down and I sit beside her.

"you want to know how I could understand"? I ask
"watch" I say and I say an incantation into my closed fist and then hold it out and open it and there on my Palm is a tiny horse made of fire.

"you have magic" she says mesmerized by the flaming creature.
I just nod I can't seem to take my eyes off her her emerald green eyes glowing in the light of the flaming horse.

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