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so was that kiss number one between the two of you? Arthur asks. as we walk towards the throne room.

no. I reply.

oh really when was number one? he asks.

none of your business. I say as we round the corner to the throne room.
when we get there the doors are open so we walk in.

leave us Arthur. Uther says.

yes father. Arthur replies.

guards wait outside. Uther says and the guards walk out and close the door.

what can I do for you my Lord? I ask bowing.

I need your help Merlin but before I tell you what I need you must promise not to speak of what is said to anyone.

of course my Lord I promise. I say.

good. uther says. I need your help because you are the only person that seems to be able to calm Arthur down and make him see reason when he gets upset.uther says.

okay. I say confused.

I have some news that may not go down well with Arthur. uther says. so I will need your help to calm him down and make him see reason.

of course my Lord. I say.

over the last 6 month's a treaty between Camelot and olofs kingdom has been in the making. however in order for the treaty to work olof has requested a marriage between his daughter and Arthur. uther says.

I'm sure Arthur will understand my Lord. I say. after all it is for the good of both kingdoms.

I hope your right. uther says. because olof and princess Marian will be arriving in three days so I will be telling Arthur at dinner tonight.

you are dismissed and remember you swore to secrecy. uther says.

yes my Lord. I reply and leave.

what did my father want? Arthur asks when I leave the throne room.

I'm sworn to secrecy. I say.

I might go for a ride. I say. your welcome to join me if you wish. and anyone else who wants to join me.

I have some stuff to do but I will be free in an hour. Arthur says.

okay then. I say and walk towards my chambers. but have another thought and head towards the training grounds instead.

I grab a sword and concentrate on what Lancelot taught me.
I ask 5 knights if they would train with me they agree to. I get them to surround me and attack.

uther and Arthur are talking in Arthur's chambers when there's a knock on the door.

enter. Arthur says. and gwain walks in.

oh I'm sorry my Lord I can come back later. gwain says when he see's uther.

no it's alright I was just leaving. uther says.

actually you may want to see this as well my Lord. gwain says.

see what? Arthur asks.

take a look at the training grounds. gwain says.

uther and Arthur walk to the Window and look out at the training grounds and see a figure training with five knights and holding his own against them.

who is that? Arthur asks mesmerized by the figure.

well that's the surprising bit. gwain says. it's Merlin.

really! Arthur says I need to see this properly he says leaving the room and heading for the training area.


I'm aware of a crowd beginning to form but I take no notice of it. I'm too focused on the knights.
after ten minutes I am finally facing the last knight he attacks and I block.
suddenly I'm blinded by the sun reflecting off some armor a servant is moving and the last knight hits me over the head. and I knocked over. with the help of the knight I stand up and see that most of Camelot was watching. I walk away disappointed. when I get to the corridor leading to mine and gaius' chambers I yell out in frustration and punch the wall and split my fist open. ahhh I shout out in pain and morgana comes running out of mine and Gaius' chambers with Gaius following closely behind.

what happened? they both ask when they see my hand.

I punched the wall. I say.

why? morgana asks.

it doesn't matter. I say and I walk into the chambers so Gaius can bandage up my hand.

Merlin and morganaWhere stories live. Discover now