Dreams and Letters

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'Flames all around me and new ones bursting in every corner. I try and run. Run far away, but there was no escape.My body is slowly catching fire,I fall to the ground with a thud as I scream in pain.I am on fire, before I except defeat I take one last gasp of air. As my head swings up for air I find a small hole in the ceiling and through it is the moon. The moon grows bigger and big and bigger when all of a sudden a wooden piece from the ceiling falls on my stomach and I close my eyes'

I wake up gasping for air.I am glad to find my self on the park bench rather than that horrid dream.It almost seemed real, well real enough to scare the hell out of me.I grab for my bow and arrows under the park bench that I've been sleeping on. I am still panting a little, I turn and bring the courage to get up.My feet touch snow instantly I grumble under my breath "Frost.." Now don't get me wrong I love a good snow fall but 2 days before Valentines Day. I take deep breath and start walking.

Its still dawn. Got lots of time before I start my job.While I walk I think about the dream, well more like nightmare.

I've been having it once a year 2 days before Valentines Day. I don't know why I have it and I am dying to know more and more every time it appears.

I make my way to the Local Burgess Ice Rink. Humans start appearing on streets.My thoughts travel here and there and eventually to something I haven't thought about in quite a while.

The Guardians....I miss my old friends but ever since 2006 I've been more busier then ever. I missed there battle between Pitch Black. I heard they recruited a new Guardian. Jack Frost, I think was it. He is also the one freezing up all my Valentines Days. I don't hate him for it but, I don't usually like freezing off my butt in the cold. But I can't say much either about it. It's not his fault Valentines Day is in February, one of the coldest months.

I've never actually ever met that little trouble maker, but I guess its time that I pay those Guardians a visit. I am brought back to my senses when I hear children laughing. I fly over and sit on a low branch to hear there conversation. It's a group of I am guessing 11 year olds. A blonde girl starts the conversation as I tune in. "Hey Elle who is taking you to the Lovers Dance on Friday?" A brunette girl answers. "Nobody yet...." She frowns a little. "Awww thats sad....well little brunette I'll see what I can do" I say to myself.

A boy with red hair is about to speak up when a black haired boy cuts in. "You do know the dance is in 2 days right?!" The brunette answers back with a sigh. "I know Jeramy,I guess Cupid isn't working as hard this year." "EXCUSE ME LITLLE MISS BRUNETTE BUT FOR YOUR INFO I AM WORKING AS HARD AS I CAN-" I cut myself off when the girls leave and the boys start talking.

The black haired boy speaks first. "Dude, why didn't you ask Elle?!!?"

"Yeah!" I say as if he can here me. "I was nervous and most important you cut me off!" He angrily replies. I get up and stand on the tree branch I was sitting on. "Well I heard enough time to work some Cupid magic."

I fly towards the brunette and when I am a perfect distance I wait for the perfect time. 3.....She stops........2...................1 and I shoot right into her left shoulder and her eyes widen and my arrow evaporates into red dust and the she turns around and within seconds she walks back and asks nervously to the red head about the dance. "Well thats taken care of that and I do believe thats 1 point for Love and 0 for......uh well.....something else." With that my day has started and I fly around in the chilly breeze.

~~~~~~~3 days later~~~~~~~~~

Jack's POV:

Everything in Norths workshop died down after Christmas and went back to into the normal state,with the yetis busy on next year and elves....well just doing elf like things. I was getting bored and decided to visit North in his office.

I reach for the handle but he jumps out jolly as ever with a big grin on his face. "Ah Jack! Nice to see you. What a wonderful day isn't it?!" "Yeah I guess?" I was a bit confused by his sudden mood until I saw something in his hand.

It was a letter. Pale pink and had cursive writhing in red ink. My concentration on the letter broke when I heard a thick australian accent behind me. "Why so jolly all of a sudden mate." "You wouldn't believe it!" "What?"

"Hazel is coming back!!"

I felt a little excluded how Bunny and North didn't include me in the talk,but I just leaned on my staff and watched where this was going. "Wait, North you better not be pulling my tail! For real?" He seemed a bit happy and serious. "She wrote this letter!"

North handed the pink letter to Bunny. He read the letter and once he read the letter his eyes filled with joy and happiness. "Well I'll be a kola's uncle thats amazing news I can't wait its been so long!"

I decided to join them. "Who's Hazel?" They looked at me with blank faces until Bunny broke the silence. "One of our Guardian friends, you wouldn't know her." "She's a human or Guardian?" I ask feeling a little dumb. "She is Guardian, Cupid to be exact."

Cupid? I think to myself. Isn't Cupid suppose to be a boy infant? Hmm. Tooth interrupted my thoughts. "I heard the BIG news, I am too exited I just can't keep my feathers straight!"

Why is everyone so exited to see this Hazel...Cupid girl?


Hey so this is my first FanFic hope you like it! I loooooove the movie it is one of my favourites :D I am also new to WattPad still getting used to it. •~• The second chapter is coming soon reeeealllly hope you are enjoying it leave feedback or a comment if you like. :) thanx

-Wild_Flower 🌸

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