Peace? (Jason)

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I picked Martin up and carried him inside. Everyone looked at me and immediately got worried.

Sky= What happened?

MU= Notch. That's what happened.

Sky= Then why are you standing there?

MU= I know!

Ky= Dada?

I looked down at Kyle, who was hugging my leg. He looks scared.

Ky= Mama?

MU= Mama will be fine.

Ky= Hurt? Owwie?

MU= Mama will get better.

Ky= Okay...

I carried Martin to, what used to be, Seto's room. I placed him on the bed and carefully studied the wound on his neck. I got the first aid kit and tried to get rid of all the blood around his neck and the bed. I covered up his wound and just left him there to recover. I can't stay in that room forever. It isn't healthy. Besides, so much crap has been going on. Seto, Rob and Ty are now dead, Martin almost died now. Notch hates us a lot.

Ky= Dada!

Kyle ran up to me. I picked him up and hugged him, trying to calm him down since he looked like he was about to cry.

MU= Mama is going to be fine Kyle. He'll be fine.

Ky= Pway?

MU= Lets play inside. Don't want you to get into trouble.

Ky= Okay!

We were playing for a while and Kyle wasn't tired one bit. Adam sooner or later joined in since Kyle kept saying 'Uncle Ska' over and over, wanting him to play for some time. I began to hear something hit the window. I kept looking over there to see nothing there. I decided to carry on looking at that window while Kyle was messing around with Adam. I saw pebbles and stones hitting the window, obviously being thrown by someone. I went to the window to see Jack there, waving at me.

What does he want?

Sky= What is it Jason?

MU= Jack's out there. He wants to talk.

Sky= Go talk to him. I'll keep Kyle safe in here.

MU= Thanks.

I walked outside and just stared at him, didn't get any closer to him then I already was.

MU= What do you want?

Jack= I want to stop this. I want to stop Notch.

MU= We know what's going on. You're innocent. Except for killing Rob.

Jack= He wasn't cooperating with me. He wouldn't listen to me.

MU= Even with the gun you wouldn't be able to kill him. The only way Notch can die is if Max was the one killing him.

Jack= You're kidding me.

MU= Nope.

Jack= For fucks sake. We still gonna work together?

MU= Yes but we have to pretend that we're fighting. Make Notch look stupid.

Jack= I can do that.

MU= So we're cool?

Jack= Yeah we're cool.

MU= Cool. I need to go back in. Got to make sure Kyle doesn't get hurt.

Jack= Your a good parent.

MU= I bet you would as well, if none of this happened.

Jack= I doubt it.

MU= I'm sure.

Jack= Have to go. Don't want to make Notch suspicious of me.

MU= Later.

Jack left the garden.

Now Jack knows about the plan. Good.

God dammit.

I should've asked him when we should do the fake fight.

I'm a genius.

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