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T H E  P R E S E N T


I knew I looked like shit because I couldn't sleep. I knew I had to stay alert dealing with Patrick and the smell of death kept me awake too. It was now 6 am and the sun was now coming up. Patrick still hasn't said two words to me; he's just been so focused on the road.

I could only manage to think about how stupid I was for going to Patrick's house thinking I would bust him all by myself. I just know Kelly is having a fit right about now, if he even knows I'm gone. My stomach growled and I looked down at it as I played with my fingers. I felt Patrick's big sinful eyes on me. "You hungry?" He managed to say. I nodded. "You've been hungry for a long time now." He smiled and turned to an exit. Somehow we were now in a city. "McDonald's fine?" He asked and pulled into the drive through. "I hope so."

"Welcome to McDonald's. How can I help you?"

"Let me get four sausage biscuits. Two orange juices.." He went away ordering. "What you want?"

I wanted to ask him who is he ordering all of this food for now, but that wasn't my place. "Hot cakes with sausage." He looked me up and down before talking back to the intercom.

"Pancakes and sausage." He told the intercom. The lady gave him the total and he drove around. Once we got to the window to pay, he pulled out a hundred dollar bill and the cashier and I looked at him funny. He just smirked and handed it to her and she gave him the change. I knew Patrick didn't have a job because he had escaped from everywhere he's been. He escaped from the mental facility, he escaped from prison twice so how was he getting money? Was the money escaping from banks now?

He drove on up and got our food and then he headed to a gas station to fill up. While he was pumping gas, I thought about making a run for it but I knew Patrick would either catch me or find me so I just ate my food instead. When he got back into the car we headed back to the highway and it grew silent, besides him digging in the bag every now and then.

Then I broke the ice. "Patrick, can I ask you something?"

He side-eyed me. "What?"

"Where does your income come from? I know that you have an apartment and all but how do you pay for it. And that money that you pulled out.."


Shawn finally decides to talk and now she won't be quiet. I rolled my eyes. "Shutup!" I yelled. It startled her a little bit but I just needed her to hush so maybe I could answer her questions. "Okay, I'll tell you." I smirked.

"When my parents died, all of their money became mine. I was the only child and they both had great careers and a great savings account." I told her, which was a true answer.

"Your childhood... Did something happen Patrick? Did something happen that you don't tell people about?" Shawn asked. "Because, looking at your pictures I can't tell but your actions tell me otherwise."

"That's none of your business." I told her sternly. She figured that I didn't want to talk anymore so she left me alone as I drove.

The place I was taking Shawn to would be a good place. We could live there forever and be one. Start a family. And love.


Kelly got a phone call from the protective services saying that Shawn never checked in to protective custody which made Kelly angry. He didn't know what to think as he sat up in his office with his thoughts rambling. Did Patrick find her? Did Shawn go to Patrick? Was all of this planned? But that still didn't answer to where Dustin could be.

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now