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***This is not your typical love story. I wanted to try something different and I hope you enjoy. As of now, this story has two parts. It will start with Patrick's present day life. And the next chapter will begin to fill you in on his past. It will switch between the two until the past is complete. Thank you guys for your support and I really hope you enjoy! Go ahead.... Read it. 😏

T H E P R E S E N T.

I'm not... Crazy.

"What do you plea, Mr. Breeding?"

"I plead insanity." I said while grinning evilly to one of the sickest lawyers of all time. I was just giving them everything they wanted to hear.. Besides I'm going to prison anyways.. Again.

The judge showed me no mercy since I been here and with no evidence shown of me possibly murdering Mia Dexter, an old crush, they just assumed it was me.

"I sentence Patrick O. Breeding with life in prison. No if, ands, or buts about it! We all know that you've done this, Breeding. You've done this before." The judge proclaimed from her almighty throne that she gave out orders to any and everybody that stepped foot in here.

My smile grew wider.

"You have no evidence .. So how could you possibly say I killed her?"

"Breeding, no need for you to continue talking. Like I said, you've done this before. Take him away!!"

I was already in handcuffs, so the guards proceeded to take me on back to the police car. They stuffed me inside and slammed the door on my foot. I yelled out in pain. "Ouch! Dammit!"

"Aww, shut your ass up Breeding! You needed that! I hope somebody beats your ass up in prison!" said one of the guards.

"Smitty, you know I'm not to be fucked with!" I smirked.

"You're sick.." He said while pushing my foot inside and slamming the door once more. I laid my head back in the seat as Smitty came around and got into the car.

I looked out of the window and noticed that Mia's family, her fiancé Dustin Michaels, and her sister Zoe all watched as I was put away into the car. They seemed at ease. They seemed to have peace of mind, knowing that I was going away.

Smitty sped off into the mid day rush.


I reached the prison and I was stripped down and searched. Once the guards were finished searching me, they threw me my uniform. Black and white stripes would now shield my naked body. They gripped me tightly as they led me down to my new home. I didn't flinch. I didn't resist. I just did as I was instructed to.

One of the guards opened the cell and the other one pushed me in. The other one relieved me of the handcuffs. He slid the gate closed and locked me inside. I placed my hands on the rails and shook it. I smirked seeing that I would be able to break out of here if I chose too.

"When do I get to make my one phone call?" I sneered.

"You don't need a phone call! You're going to die in here, silly bastard." The guard spit. They began laughing as they tore away from the cells , walking back into civilization for them. I turned around to meet my new cell mate.

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now