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***When you see "~~~~" that just means Narrator's Pov. Enjoy.

T H E   P A S T.


When Mia ran out of Patrick's apartment in tears, she ran straight to her car and got inside. Out of breath still, but she managed to crank up her car and leave out of the parking lot. She began on her way home as she panicked about what happened. Knowing that Dustin would be there waiting for her return, she tried to think of what she would say about the new forming bruise on her arm. She knew he would notice but she wasn't going to tell him about Patrick.

Patrick. She thought. He did something that she remembered from the second grade... From another little curly head kid, named Patrick. Was that him? She thought. It couldn't have been. See the last thing she remembered was she told him that she could never love him and he begin to pull at his hair and spaz out, like he did just then. But she never heard anything else on him besides him being put in a mental facility. She just didn't want to believe that these two people were actually the same person because ... Well... That would be kinda crazy. For him to show up and remember her and still be 'in love' with her. The thought of it freaked her out.

She drove her car into her driveway and she got out, nerves still shook about the previous situation, and walked inside of her house. Dustin was sitting in the living room as she entered and she walked in and met eyes with him. "Where've you been?" He asked concerned and kinda pissed that he was left alone for hours.

Mia held herself as she responded. "I.. I was at the store."

"You're lying Mia. That's all you've been doing to me since this engagement." He said as if she had been engaged for more than a day. "Are you getting cold feet?" He asked.

Mia walked towards him and sighed as she rubbed her arms. She was cold but she remembered that she left her coat with Patrick. "No. I do wanna marry you Dustin." She told him as he warmed her arms as she sat into his lap.

He examined her arms. "Where's your coat? And where'd this bruise come from?"

"Bad day at work today." She told him. "A mentally ill patient grabbed my arm a little too tight and left this bruise."

"And your jacket?"

"The patient took that too."

He sighed. "Your job is far too dangerous for you." He kissed the bruise. "How about I make you feel better?"

The couple proceeded upstairs and into the bedroom where they undressed. Dustin and Mia performed many eventful tasks in bed but the only thing that was on her mind, while being pursued is the way Patrick took care of her body. He cherished it. He was gentle and rough with it. And he made Mia comfortable. So comfortable to the point where she would do anything. Dustin wasn't giving that to her right now.



"Fuck me on the balcony."

Dustin stopped his strides as he looked at Mia in the eyes. "Do what?"

"Fuck me on the balcony. We've never done it there."

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now