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I couldn't even go back to the office. I went straight home and showered as I waited for Kelly to get home. I was ashamed of myself but I had to go ahead and tell him. I had too. I didn't want to be the reason why our marriage failed.

I love Kelly and I don't know why I did what I did.

I looked up and noticed my husband come in. He smiled big once he seen me. "Hey beautiful." He walked slowly towards me and kissed my cheek. "I was looking for you to come back to the office, what happened?"

I sighed before answering him. "You okay?" He asked. He was very concerned in my happiness that he didn't care about himself sometimes.

"Kelly.. No.. I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?"

"I went to Patrick's place today, of course.."


"And .. He .. He put some moves on me." I looked up to see Kelly clenching his jaw.

"And what else?" His piercing eyes stared at me as tears fell down my face.

"He kissed me and I kissed him back, Kelly. I did. And somehow we ended up in his room." I rambled on.

"Wait.. You kissed this dude and fucked him?" Kelly looked confused.

"Well, honestly.. We really didn't fuck. He just slipped it inside of me and I pulled it out and left."

Kelly stood up and looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He shook his head and spoke loud when he talked. "That's penetration, Shawn! You cheated on me! Why? After all I do for you.."

"Kelly.." I reached for him but he moved.

"Don't touch me... Like is that why you left your mic? So you could cheat?"

"No! I never went to intentionally cheat on you Kelly!"

"Did you get anything done? Did you get what you went for? Or did you go for him to fuck you?" Kelly was pissed. But I expected him to be.

I thought about what I gained from my trip at Patrick's house. The pictures!

"Hmm.. Like I thought. Nothing." Kelly walked out of the living room and continued to bedroom before I could even mention anything about the pictures.

I followed behind him hoping he would talk to me but I know Kelly all too well. He was going to take a shower, find his work clothes, pack a small bag and leave. He's done this once before but only when he's mad.

I've never ever cheated on him and I never thought I would. But I just let the best take over me and I promise that I won't do it again. I promise. "Kelly, please don't leave. Please talk to me."

He looked up at me while packing. "I don't have anything to say to you. Don't call me unless it's work related."

I walked over to him and placed my hands around his arm. "Kelly, just hear me out! I love you.."

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now