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T H E  P A S T

*The Next Day*


Mia hasn't seen the last of me.

"Thank you so much sir." I smiled and shook hands with the guy who came to change the locks. "This use to be a very calm and peaceful neighborhood, I don't know why they decided to break in out of the blue." I shook my head as if I was in disbelief.

"It's no problem. You have a great day." I waved the guy off as I stood on Mia's front porch and walked inside. I put my key on my key chain and put Mia's new key in my pocket to give to her when she returns from work.

It was time for me to clean house.

I walked into the living room and noticed some blankets and pillows on the couch that I just know Dustin left. I folded the blankets and put the pillows away in a small closet that I found. I walked upstairs to Mia's room and begin to find anything that I knew that belonged to him. I searched through Mia's drawers and found pieces of his clothing, which made me very angry. I found a box in Mia's closet, emptied it and then replaced it with all of Dustin's things. I took the box outside and set it on fire and I watched it from the porch.

As of now, I'm doing things to piss the both of them off. My plan is coming together, quite smoothly.

I got the house all tidied up as well as added some new things too. I new that Dustin would eventually come in and I wanted him to see the way I fucked Mia. So I set up cameras in the house so I could see when Dustin made it in and when he enters Mia's house and turns on a tv, he will be looking at our sex tape. Hopefully, Mia would see it too.

I sat back and waited for Mia to make it home and make a huge scene like I knew she would.


I fell asleep, unknowingly and when I woke up Mia was putting her key in the door. I let her struggle for a while and then I went to open the door. "Ugh! What the hell is wrong with my key!" I heard her say on the other side of the door. That's when I opened it and she looked up at me, not expecting me to be there at all.

I smirked. "Hey gorgeous. Come on in." I stood back while holding the door open.

"Patrick?! Oh hell, no!"

"Did you miss me baby? Or did you think I was dead or something?" Mia grew nervous as hell while watching me laugh at her.

She begin backing up. "Patrick, you need to get out of my house!"

"You need to stop yelling before the neighbors hear you and you need to come inside our house." 😈

"Why doesn't my key work?"

"Bitch, get in the damn house!" I yelled while yanking onto her arm and pulling her inside. She screamed and tried to get out of my grip but I held onto her and closed the door. I pushed her on the couch and she got herself together as I begin to tell her what would happen next. "I changed the locks because well, I knew your ex-fiancé had a key." I used air quotes.

The plan I was going to tell Mia, I knew it wouldn't work but I told her anyways because even this plan was apart of the plan. "I have your key and I'll give it to you if your nice." I smirked. "But I burned all of his stuff. He can't stay here anymore because well, you love me now. And we're going to live here." I said while holding my arms out.

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now