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T H E P R E S E N T.

*a few days later*

They released me to go and talk with a detective today. They wanted to be sure that it was me that killed Mia Dexter and not anyone else, but like I said I didn't kill her.

The guards dragged me down the hallway with handcuffs on my wrists and my ankles. It was pure hell but I was use to it. They shoved me into a room and sat me down in a chair roughly. They left out as I waited for the detective to come in.

A small light flickered on over my head that slightly blinded me. While I began to get my vision together, a lady appeared. I blinked until I saw a clear image of her. And man, wasn't she beautiful. Blonde-brown hair and full lips, she was white--maybe but I knew she wasn't black. But to me, she was still the prettiest thing I've laid my eyes on besides...well Mia. She slammed her hands down on the table to startle me but I didn't flinch. I smirked instead, eyeing her as she began to grill me.

"Detective Shawn Allen, Patrick. I've been trying to get on your ass for the longest you crazy, lonely bastard!" She screamed out.

I held my eyes closed as I tried to remain calm. "I wish you would let me get on your ass instead."

"Is that why you killed Mia Dexter? Hm? Because you wanted her ass all to yourself?"

"I didn't kill Mia."

She chuckled. "Don't bullshit me! Then what happened to her then? Can you tell me that?"

"Of course I can't tell you that. I don't know!"

"I don't believe you Breeding! I don't believe you not one bit!" She screamed at me.

"Y'all just suspected it was me, am I right? You don't have any proof, you just say I killed her because I was jealous of her relationship with her fiancé--"

"Dustin Michaels.."

"Yeah, him.. Have y'all thought about grilling his ass? Have y'all thought 'hmm, maybe it was her fiancé?'" I said as I put more thoughts in her head. I sat up closer to the table. "Maybe he was just upset about me screwing his girl better than he was so he decided to come up with all of these lies."

"What lies?"

"That I was stalking them, threatening Mia, screwing her on a daily basis..."

"Stop, that still doesn't explain why he would kill her."

"And it still doesn't explain to why you guys accused me of killing her when you have no evidence!" I smirked.

"We're you stalking them?"

"If you call me coming by their house when Mia asked then yeah, I was stalking them."

"Why would she call you to her house?"

"Because she wanted me to fuck her, and good..." I smirked.

"What makes you think that you performed better than Mr. Michaels?"

"She told me." I said. "or she'd stop by my place. She was indeed addicted to what I have."

The detective shook her head. "What is it that you have?"

"A big d--" she cut me off.

"Nevermind, Breeding. That's inappropriate." She held her hand up for me to stop talking.

I only smiled as she looked as if she wanted to find out about what I have. I laughed. "You seem tense as hell. How about you take these handcuffs off of me so I can ease your mind?" I offered.

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora