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****Okay so I changed my mind. I'm just going to finish the past and then skip on to the present. It'll be better this way.****

T H E  P A S T.

Mia had me confused. "You what?"

"I said I have a boyfriend.." She said while getting herself up off of the cool concrete.

I shook my head as I walked back into the apartment, leaving her out on the balcony. She followed me. The moonlight hitting her naked body as I looked at it again, hungry for more. "For how long?"

"Five years.." She mentioned as I turned my head away from her. "On and off.. Plus we broke up a few days ago." She made sure to tell me that.

"Then why'd you mention him to me? You thinking about getting back with him?"

"I was.."


"I mean yeah, I love him.."

"You love him?" I laughed. "Does he fuck you like I fucked you?" I just had to know. "Does he?"

She shook her head. "No." Then chuckled. "He doesn't compare to what you've done. I've never felt like this before." She said while grabbing me and stroking me with her hands. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back as I felt her drop on her knees. "You like that?"

I nodded. Shit, I'm crazy? No.. This bitch is crazy! She hasn't known me for a week, hell a day and she's fucking me. She doesn't know what I'm about, where I'm from, or the real me. But I'm not going to let the woman of my dreams just walk out, leave and never come back all because of a boyfriend. I'm not crazy.

"Good." She said while continuing.

The next day when I woke up, the apartment was filled with an aroma of food. Confused, I hopped out of the bed and sprinted into the kitchen. Of course, it would be Mia in the kitchen cooking--in a kitchen she knew nothing about. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked her while yelling.

"I'm cooking, duh!" She said with a smart tone.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled at her while pointing towards my living room.

"But I'm not finished--"

"I don't give a damn! I didn't tell you to come in here! What the fuck? Not once did I tell you to make your damn self at home!" She dropped the spatula and walked into the living room to sit down. I cut the stove off and calmed my self down to the point where I was presentable to her. I walked where she was and sat beside her as she pouted. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you." She chose not to speak. "But.. I'm just not use to having other people in here with me. I'm kinda overprotective of what's mine, you know?" I raised my eyebrow at her but she wasn't paying attention.

"I guess but you coulda let me finish. That was an asshole move.." She rolled her eyes.

"You're a spoiled ass brat. How'd that nigga keep you happy? Bought you a lot of things?"

She smiled. "Yeah."

I grew serious. "So what'd you see?"

Love Crimes: A Patrick Breeding Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now