He Gets Jealous

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Basically you like a celebrity and he has a jealousy issue with that.



You were in bed on your laptop when Ted came in and jumped next to you.

"Whatcha looking at?" He asks you with a stupid smile.

"Just some pictures of Ryan Renyolds" you say softly. You liked his hair and he was currently peoples sexiest man alive.

Ted takes a peek over your laptop.

" He's not even that good looking" Ted says suddenly making you stare in total shock.

"Did you- why are you- are you jealous" you stutter I'm complete shock.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just being honest. He isn't that hot."

"Someones jealous" you poke his arm lightly, a grin slowly spreading across your face.

"I'm not jea- you know what (Y/N)" Ted laughs and grabs a pillow next to you and smacks the laptop.

"Ryan Reynolds is extremely hot! People magazine has proved it!" You scream grabbing at your laptop again.

Ted reaches for your laptop first and runs to the opposite side of the room with it. He types in something and turns it around.

A large picture of Scarlett Johansson pops up onto the screen and Ted just points and laughs.

"DON'T EVEN GO THERE!" You scream running towards him and grabbing the laptop out of his hands.

Ted grabs a pillow and chucks it across the room hitting you in the face.

You close the laptop and place it on your nightstand before you grab the nearest pillow and run full speed at Ted. He laughs and falls to the ground.

You both end up having a long wrestle before you both get so tired you fall asleep.



You were walking down the street with Barney when a nicely dressed man turns the corner..

You stared at his Rolex and his nice maroon suit.

"A little too interested there?" Barney asks you making you stare back at him.

You giggle "no Barney don't take it that way" you say smiling "he had a nice suit and a nice watch"

"Come on (Y/N), his suit wasn't even brand name" he says shaking his head "he wasn't even that hot"

"I didn't say anything about him being hot" you say realizing that he's jealous, "are you jealous?!?"

"IM NOT!" He screams making you jump "it's just I have a better Rolex and definitely a better suit." Barney pouts.

"You're so jealous!" You scream making him jump this time. " He's no one Barney don't worry"

A little bit later

You were turning the corner when a lady in a short sunflower dress walks by.

Barney looks at her, his head turning as she walks by..

"Dont worry (Y/N), it's not like that" he says with a smirk.

You can't help but laugh and lightly punch him in the arm. He over exaggerates and cluches his arm while stringing the other one over your shoulder as you both walk home.



You never get jealous. He doesn't either.

You made a pact that you love each other as much as the other person.

Marshall doesn't dream of looking at another women. And you would never......in front of him. ;)



omg Marshall

I'll keep updating!!


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