He injures you

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You both wanted something you could do as a couple. Okay honestly, you wanted something you could do as a couple. You decided yoga, it was a good way to stay fit and Barney had already learned some moves before you were together. He was trying to nail a yoga instructor.

So, when you brought this up he didn't mind trying it. He didn't have the best balance though, that's what you were going to work on the most.

There was this couple pose where you're back to back on the floor.

Barney was in a table position on the floor and you layed on top of him, then he was supposed to stretch all the way out so both of your bodies would stretch.

Well, instead his arms gave out and he flopped onto the floor, making you roll off and land even harder on him.

"Oh Barney! I'm so sorry I landed-" you pause noticing Barney rub his ribs "are you okay?" You suddenly ask reaching out to help him, then you pause noticing how much your wrist hurt

"Baby I think I hurt my wrist landing on your ribs"

Barney is hyperventilating heavily making you concerned.

"I'm sorry I hurt you (Y/N, does your wrist hurt really badly?" He says in a breathy voice.

"Don't be concerned about me, are you okay?"

"I think I might've cracked a couple of ribs" his voice is now even more muffled.

Without another thought you run and grab the phone dialing it with your good hand. You call 911 and explain to them what happened.

When the ambulance got there they checked Barneys ribs first and just concluded that they were bruised. Then they check your wrist and say it's sprained. No reason to go to the hospital, they could treat it easily here.

They wrapped Barney's ribs and they gave you a splint, telling both of you to get some rest.

When all the medics left you both decided to go to bed.

"So no more yoga?" Barney asks, him smirking and chuckling. Until his ribs hurt to much and he had to stop.

"Definitely not" you say back, "how about wood shop?"

"Come on (Y/N), you and me with a wood chisel? One of us is going to lose a finger" he says and you slap him making him laugh and then wince.



When you both decided to get married and have a settled life, Ted took that as buying a new family car. We still lived in his apartment in New York so there wasn't much space to leave the car at. Plus, Ted wasn't always the best driver, mainly because you took cabs everywhere.

Ted decided we should go to the top of the empire state building for our anniversary. You thought that was a great idea! The only thing was Ted insisted he drove you there.

"Honey, we can just take a cab" you say willingly, "anyways if we did take the car then we would have to find a parking space and worry about locking it"

"Then when are we going to ever use the car?" Ted asks beggingly

You suggest "maybe you should just return it, we still have about 14 days left to do so"

"NO WAY!" Ted screams

"Okay fine. Get in the car" you agree to shut him up.

You both walked into the lobby and left the apartment building. Ted got into the car first, unlocked it, and turned in the engine.

You were about to get in when you dropped your purse onto the curb, spilling somethings out of it. You step to reach under the car and Ted thought it was you getting in the car so he went forward a little bit, running over your foot.

"TED!!!" You scream causing everyone to look and you. Ted backed up immediately and jumped out of the car.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)!! I'm so sorry, what happened?!?"

"I dropped something and I stepped down to get it and you drove forwards!"

"Oh god I thought you were getting into the car!" Ted said panicking

"It okay it doesn't even hurt that much" you say standing up, but once pressure got onto that foot you immediately fell down, "nevermind it really hurts"

Ted picks you up and puts you into the car, then he gets in and drives you to the hospital emergency room.


In the hospital room Ted apologizes a thousand times before a nurse comes in.

Moments later you hear a knock at the door and see this short nurse walking in with a wrap and a splint.

"Honey, what's the date of ya marriage?" The nurse asks

"Um, February 14, 2014." You say hesitantly.

"Well, Happy Valentine's Day! And oh happy anniversary!" She says, "you have a couple of broken toes and a really badly bruised foot. We're just gonna wrap it and put an air cast on it, then y'all will be free to go, y'all copy?"

"Um yes"

"Okay I'll be right back" the nurse stands up, "Happy anniversary"



You were cooking dinner in the kitchen when Marshall stepped in to look for food.

"Its almost ready," you say "don't eat anything raw yet"

"Hey, can I help you cook?"

"PSH You want to help ME cook??" You say laughing

"Uh yeah I think that sounds fun" the last time Marshall cooked he burned his finger with the microwave.

"Okay if you can handle it. Take that knife and cut those carrots Julianne style." You're concerned he has a knife, but then again he is a grown man.

Marshall starts to cut the carrots but his hand was shaking, when you walked behind him with a hot tray you said "behind you" to indicate that you were behind him so don't turn around or we'll hit each other. He took it as you scaring him, so he spun around as quickly as he could with the knife still in his hand. Luckily it only swung by you, but you had a huge line on your shoulder.

"(Y/N)!!!" Marshall screams and puts the knife down.

"I'm okay!" You say quickly to not make him panicked. You set the tray you we're holding down and check the wound.

"Let me go get the first aid kit!" Marshall says sprinting out of the room.

You sighed and cleaned up is "Julianned carrots", then you washed the knife and basically cleaned the whole kitchen.

When he came back he noticed you cleaned everything and start to yell saying that you should rest and all. He wrapped you up and put you on the couch with a hot cup of tea and some take out food since you never finished cooking.


Happy Valentine's Day!
(Forever alone)

Hope you're enjoying this, Barney got injured to lol.

Next chapter is soon to come.


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