Plane Ride

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Imagine the guys on a plane, they can barely handle life on the ground as it is.



When you board with Ted it's very nice. He talks with everyone and makes conversation, granted you two sometimes get cursed out by rude people who don't want to talk.

But as soon as you sit down, Ted won't stop fidgeting. He moves left and right, constantly messing with his seat belt or adjusting the air conditioning. Sometimes he'll read the safety instructions in the front seat pocket.

They only way he'll stop moving is if you two cuddle, but you don't have a problem with that .

Right after you sit down you immediately snuggle with him, also making the flight seem shorter.


Barney is such a child when he goes onto a plane. He brings his little neck pillow and his stuffed penguin ( since it's wearing a suit like him) and he just sleeps the entire flight.

You both snuggle and watch for the seatbelt sign, as soon as it turns off you lie across his lap and sleep.

When you both disregard the seatbelt sign and the flight attendant politely asks you to out it back on, you take turns giving dirty looks at them as they walk by.


In this relationship you are the easy flier; it starts with Marshall licking the plane when you get on as a ritual because he believes the plane will crash if he doesn't do it.

He always is too tall so he moves around a out trying to find space for his legs, you both often buy three seats so Marshall is more comfortable.

He always sits in the aisle seat because he can't sit properly in the window seat since his neck is too long. It's all kinds of trouble with Marshall.

But hey, he can get the luggage easily from the over head bins.


Hey everyone thanks for sticking around if you're still reading! I know I don't update a lot, stress is getting to me and I'm loosing the time to write! I hope everyone stays here, as I will promise to continue this story. Thank you !

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