Roller Coasters

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The guys at amusement parks? This'll be interesting. All of this is at Coney Island (because the show takes place in New York)
P.S. I have no idea what rides are at Coney Island so bear with me.


You brought up the idea years ago.

"Come on Ted!" You screamed while poking his arm continuously.

"I don't like roller coasters!!" Ted yelled back

"But! But! But! PWEEZE!!!" You screamed with your puppy dog eyes.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Ted moaned.

"Come on! We're at Coney island and you don't want to go on a roller coaster?!?" You screamed making all the kids around you look.

" roller coaster" Ted said hesitantly and let out a big sigh.

"YASS!!" You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the biggest roller coaster you saw. You liked rollers coasters but hated heights, especially when it came to the Ferris wheel, but Ted didn't need to know that.

In line Ted was shaking. He was basically vibrating the ground.

"Are you okay?" You ask him. Even if he says he's feeling bad you're still going on the ride.

"Yeah I got this" he says slowly, holding his stomach.

When the worker pushed the lap bar down and the ride started going up Ted was cringing.

Over the loud muffled sound of the wind you tell Ted "HEY!! ARE YOU O.K.???"

"IM SO GREAT (Y/N)!" Ted was being sarcastic as ever. But it's too late to turn back now.

The ride goes to the top go the peak and stops before shooting down.

You laugh and stare over at Ted who is closing his eyes and wincing.

When the ride came to a stop Ted let out a huge breath.

"You okay?" You ask Ted.


Ted didn't speak for the rest of the ride home. You had to drive because he was shaking too much. Needless to say you never took him on a roller coaster ever again.



Barney has never been on a roller coaster, EVER.

He thought they were for kids. He never got to experience his childhood. So you decided to take him to the most childish place ever. Coney island.

When you got there he jumped out of the car and bounced around like it was his first time (which it was).

"(Y/N)!!! Look at all the pretty lights! Look theres a Ferris- (Y/N)- THERES COTTEN CANDY!!!!!" Barney screams and runs into the crowd.

You let out a small giggle and ran after him.

When you finally caught up to him (he's faster than you thought) he was holding two cotton candies in his hands and smiling like an idiot.

"Awe how sweet you bought one for me" you said extending your hand.

"Don't be ridiculous they're both for me" he says pouting and runs off again.

You sighed and ran after him only to find him in line for the one ride you feared most.

The Ferris Wheel.

When the worker in the bright orange shirt greeted you.

"Hey friends!" He screamed making you jump, "welcome to Freddys Fun Ferris wheel!"

You groaned and looked over at Barney who's eyes were lit even bigger.

You started going up and see the ground getting further. You can deal with rides that go plunging down but you couldn't handle the Ferris wheel. Amazing.

Barney was licking the cotton candy off of his fingers loudly and smiling.

"Barney I'm really scared" you say softy. You hated heights and didn't feel good about being in an open windowed Ferris wheel ride, the fact that it went so slow scared you. Everytime the ride stopped so did your heart.

"(Y/N)!!! THEY HAVE A PETTING ZOO!!" Barney says pointing outside the Ferris wheel.

Barney stands up and the cart starts to wiggle a little back and forth. Making you nauseous.

"Barney sit down" you say slowly placing a hand on his shoulder.

When you got down on the ground you ran to the nearest trash can and threw up.

You never went again. You make Robin go every time Barney begs.



You and Marshall thought it would be a good idea to go to Coney Island since you've never been.

When you walked there you just smelled corn dogs and cotton candy. All around you the kids were laughing and running.

You saw the merry-go-round and grabbed Marshalls arm.

"(Y/N)!! Where are we going?" Marshall says over all the voices.

You don't answer instead you slip the guy working at the stand 10 dollars and jump on the chicken seat.

Marshall laughs and jumps on the gorilla one.

All around you kids filled the other spaces. The parents were giving you funny looks and they had their iPhones out ready to take pictures of their kids.

You screamed and yelled and you went up and down in a slow circle. Marshall grabs your hand from his gorilla and whispers a soft "I love you".

You smile and continue to enjoy the rest of the ride.

When you finished, you and Marshall just went on all the kiddie rides. You just celebrated being together, for years to come.


I kinda got lazy on Marshalls...oops

If you have any requests send them in, ill continue writing as long as you keep reading! 575!

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