Chapter 20

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***A Wattpad Special***

Hey guys

Before you read any further i would like to make a few things clear......

this is not in Lilly, Declan, Angela, or even Jason's point of view. It is from someone completely different. 

So sit back, relax, comment, vote, and share an ice cream sandwich with a friend. This is my wattpad special for forever mates. i think 20 chapters of my first story is a real special chapter.

I'd like to thank you all for your votes and very nice comments.

Gosh now i'm ranting

So without further ado.....


-<3 Sydney



                Pain pain and more pain. That's all I could feel. Big blotchy bruises covered my arms and legs making even the lightest touch of my shirt send an explosion of pain. I was ashamed to look at myself. I was ashamed to see that I had let them do this to my body. In one week my world was shattered and I was left to try and make sense of all of it. But how do I do that when everything I once believed is a lie?

They came for me without a single thought of remorse or regret.  I could still remember the night that now feels like an old forgotten dream.


                The rich scent of lasagna fritta was so intoxicating. I tried to sneak a taste but mom smacked my hand away before I even got the chance. "Don't even think about it young lady."

I faked innocence "Think about what? I wasn't doing anything."

"Sorry but I am a mother and when you become a mother you get eyes on the back of your head."

"Right and that's why you wear glasses." I mumbled under my breath.

Suddenly I felt a sharp yank from the back of my pony tail. Without even needing to turn around I knew it was my little brother Steven trying to piss me off. Well, it worked.

"You're gonna pay for that you little coward." I half shouted while chasing after him in my sweats. I could hear his mischievous laughter echo across the stairs as he ran up. That little clump nugget knew how to get on my nerves and really push my buttons. I'm normally calm with a lot of things but I absolutely hate it when people pull my hair. Unfortunately the loch ness monster known as my brother was well aware of that.

I ran past different rooms in the house looking for him. Eventually he just led me to a dead end in my room and snuck out when I wasn't looking. I groaned and let out a few very choice words that I knew he could hear. Of course he had to laugh as I said them.

 I paused momentarily to catch my breath and noticed the mess in my room. The desk propped against my pink and green wall was covered with a large clutter of mess. "Great." I groaned and began to put away books and notes. Under the pile was an artistic frame with a picture of two people. My eyes lit up in recognition as I stared at it. The first person was me and the second was my best friend Lilly Snow.

I could never say I had any deeply close friends in the past. No one reached up to my best friend expectations. All my so called "friends" at school are just people I interact with. They won't talk to me when I'm upset. They won't help me study for finals. They definitely won't have my back when I'm bullied. Every conversation I have with them goes practically like this....

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