Chapter 27

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Crossing the halls of the schools during passing period are always stressful because you need to get to class on time.

Today they were a hundred percent more stressful and for a completely different reason.

My purple binder with English homework and Shakespeare notes were stationed against my arm as I hustled down the second hallway. My class was just around the corner and another tardy was definitely not what I needed. Just as I came to the end of the hall, a large group of people were blocking the way. I could hear them muttering anxiously as two very familiar voices were fighting.

"She's mine you bastard!"

"Bull Shit! And you know what I think? I think you know my name isn't really bastard. Kind of like how I know yours is actually dick!"

I shoved through the crowd trying to find the center. At last when I pushed through, an unholy sight met my eyes. Oh Dear I thought.

Aiden and Jason were facing each other,their expressions yielded into a burning hatred. I could tell with one wrong move, a fight would break out. My heart leaped a mile as I stood there with no voice in my throat. My body was frozen and rooted to the ground somehow not having the ability to go in there and break it up.

"What's going on?" a scared and confused voice called out from the audience. My eyes found the owner of the voice and widened when they did. It was Angela.

Did the universe just hate me or something? How does this help? I demanded These halfwits are about to tear each other apart! She'll only speed up the process!

I was proven right when Aiden and Jason saw her as well and both their eyes visibly darkened.The power for male dominance increased.

"She's mine." growled Aiden

"She'll only be yours when hell freezes over." Jason retaliated right back.

I saw Aiden's jaw clench before a whole series of motion. It all happened so fast. Aiden's hand curled into a fist and cut through the air at the speed of light. He let his wolf tap into his strength like an outlet and fueled the extra energy into his punch. If I didn't see the after affect, I wouldn't have even known he was about to hit Jason until a split second too late. My cousin was probably fated to have a baseball sized bruise on his jaw if Angela hadn't stepped in.

Her scared expression only registered in my mind for a moment before she launched her body in between Aiden's fist and her mate. The entire effect of the punch came to her.

Time slowed as I saw Angela's small body fall and thud against the school floors. Her head smashed against the tiles and she laid motionless.

An eruption of sound resulted around me.

"Oh my gosh did you just see that?"

"He hit her! He frigging hit her!"

"What the hell?"

Shock and numbness traveled through my head as my eyes flitted to Jason and watched his face turn red from blinding rage. Without warning, he launched himself at Aiden toppling them both over and knocking several backpacks out of the way. I heard grunts and shouts as they relentlessly hit each other in a fiery haze. My mind and body were finally able to snap out of my paralyzed form and I only saw red.

I threw my binder and backpack down and stormed over to the two of them. "ENOUGH!" I shouted while tearing them apart "I DON'T WANNA SEE ANOTHER FIST IN THE AIR!"

Jason was getting hard to control "Get out of the way Lilly! This doesn't concern you."

I stood my ground and gave them the best glare I could possibly muster "Shut up Jason! Can't you see you just hurt the girl you were arguing over? If either of you really cared about Angela you wouldn't be fighting like this."

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