Chapter 40

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"Dad," I burst into his office "Did you hear back yet?"

I saw him look up from a large file "No, no one's responded. I hate to say it Declan, but I think we're too late."

I shook my head "No, we can't be. I refuse to believe that."

"Believe what you want," he told me "Just don't be disappointed if fate takes another turn. We sent out a lot of wolves but none of them came back with any answers."

I sighed and leaned against the wall "I should be out there with them."

Dad scoffed "Yeah, a lot of good that would do you."

I frowned "Well, why not? I'm her mate. I'd be the best wolf to track her down."

"True," he said while getting up "But you're also a future alpha and your place is with your pack. The last thing I need is for you to run off and get lost on a wild search for your mate. I need you here, helping me prepare for a war."

I looked at him (intending to glare) and finally saw him clearly for the first time in weeks. I hate to say it, but he looked absolutely terrible. It was like he aged at least a hundred years in five days. His eyes watched me back but they showed signs of a man who was weak and tired. Very very tired.

"Dad, did you manage to get any sleep last night?"

He grunted "I got as much as you did didn't I. But I'll be damned if I said I felt rested when I woke up."

He was right about that. I'd never seen him so overworked in my life. "Seems like sleep is a rare commodity these days." I replied, running a hand through my hair.

"Peace of mind seems like a rarer one." he added on.

One statement seemed to sum it all up. Peace of mind I thought That sounds so good right now.

"Are they all searching at the border?" I asked, trying to change the topic. He glanced up momentarily and nodded "Most of them. Some ventured out into the town but they haven't gotten anywhere."

"Why aren't they following her scent?" I growled.

He paused for a moment "Because she was driving a car. Her scent isn't exactly traceable when it's being covered by the smell of burning gas."

"Oh, right."

"Anymore bright ideas?" he added.

I ignored his sarcasm "The woods?"

"Checked it."

"The lakes?"

"Second thing we searched."

"Her old house."

"Jane went there earlier."

I stared at him "You let Jane go alone!?"

My dad dropped a few of the papers on his desk and glared at me "D'you think I'm that stupid? Of course not! Three guards went with her and checked the premises before she even stepped foot on it."

I blinked "Oh. Well there has to be some place we haven't looked yet! Maybe a late night diner, or the movie theater-"

"It wouldn't help." He interrupted "At least not now."

I glared at him "Why not?! She might be there! And who knows, maybe she's perfectly alright. Maybe she just......went out for some food." It sounded lame but I adamantly stuck to my point.

Unfortunately, my dad didn't seem convinced. Frowning, he said "Think about it Declan. Isn't it a weird hour to eat at a diner, or watch a movie."

"But not a weird hour to save a friend," someone's voice cut in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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