My Friend Marcel

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"Promise me something?" I hear Harry say.

"What is that?" I ask looking at him across the tree house.

"We'll be friends forever?" He stares at me with his cute green eyes underneath the rims of his thick glasses.

"Of course Harry," I respond with a little smile streching across my mouth

"And Taylor?" He asks as his little curls touch his forehead.

"Yes?" I whisper.

"when we get older, promise me that we'll go to prom together?" He asks looking shyly at the ground.

"I promise! I swear on baby meridith," I giggle when I say this.

"Oh meridith?' He gasps.

"Yeah because I know I'll keep the promise," I say back.

It was a dark September night, Harry and I were in the third grade, we had already been best friends for a year. Inseperable is what our parents called us. That conversation stuck in my brain for the rest of our years up until this point. But then things began to change. Harry had decided to go by Marcel (his middle name) once we were in the fifth grade. Then in middle school he thought his curly hair was to messy so he slicked it back. He dressed like a total nerd, but I loved him and he was always by my side. I also gained so many other friends and pretty soon everyone in school knew who I was. Once freshman year of highschool came aroud I started dating Liam Payne, head of the football team. He was my world and the best part was he and Marcel got along amazingly. Marcel and I were and are still very close, but I still call him Harry and it drives him bonkers.

But now we approach the beginning of our senior year and honestly we all knew what was to come. Going off the college. I couldn't bare to leave Liam or Harry and my small town. I felt as if everything was perfect the way it was and I couldn't help but get nervous. But seriously it was still a year away. I could handle this right?

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