First Kiss [Steve and Pietro]

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Steve had been on a mission for a few days now and you were starting to get worried. He told you he would only be gone for two days but almost a week has past and you haven't heard from him. Sam told you that maybe the mission got extended to calm you down but when you overheard Nat saying the mission got a little out of hand and Steve needed back up, your nerves skyrocketed.

So when Steve finally returned and showed up at your apartment a few days later, you quickly jumped up from the couch and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. It took Steve by surprise but a few seconds later he's wrapping his arms around your waist and deepens the kiss. He pulled away but stayed close enough to rest his forehead against yours.

"I'm here, I'm okay." He said as he placed his hands on your cheeks, stroking your cheekbones soothingly with his thumbs.


Your first kiss was shared when he asked you to be his girlfriend. At first it shocked you a bit that you didn't kiss him back, so he pulled away.

"Sorry, I got carried away." He looked down at his hands.

You felt heartbroken seeing him nervous. He's usually confident - you weren't used to seeing him like this. You placed your hand on his cheek, which caused him to glance up at you. "It's fine, Pietro."

And with that, you closed the space between the two of you and pressed your lips against his. When he placed his hands on your hips, you melted into the kiss.

A few minutes later he pulled away and you almost went after his lips again. He chuckled before planting a quick kiss on your lips. You smiled as he pulled away once again, his hands still resting on your hips.

"Not bad for a first kiss, yes?" He smirked. Which caused you to playfully roll your eyes at him.


Oh I'm so sorry for not updating in months! I have the worst writers block and I have no inspiration to write as of now. I'll try to write the rest soon.

Oh and a new trailer for Civil War is coming out soon!

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