First Date [Loki and Bucky]

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As Loki promised, he took you to the palaces gardens but not before he took you to meet his mother, Frigga. When you met his mother you were beyond nervous but she soon reassured you that there was nothing to be nervous about and she actually really liked you a lot and approved of yours and Loki's relationship.

After the meeting with the queen, you two walked into the gardens and you were completely mesmerized by the exotic flowers but your favourite part of the gardens was the fountain that was placed right in the middle. It had a small pool as the bottom and two tiers on top that flowed water from the opening at the very top. You thought it was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking.

Loki and yourself spent hours sitting by the fountain and read books that Loki brought along with him. You both very much enjoyed your date and soon the gardens became a place where you both come to sit and calm down.


Even though it's been a couple of months since Hydra had been discovered within Shield and Bucky escaped, he was still hesitant on going outside and being around big crowds so you decided for your first date to just eat dinner in your apartment and watch a movie. You and Bucky decided to eat Italian food for your meal, which you prepared with a bit of help from Bucky.

When it came down to choosing what movie to watch, you were indecisive on which movie you should let Bucky watch. After a couple of minutes of debating, you finally decided on watching your favourite movie, Jurassic Park. As you guys neared the couch, Bucky sat down on your left since he was still cautious of you being near his metal arm. You rested your head on his broad shoulder while he wrapped his flesh arm around your shoulders.

Throughout the movie you would be mouthing the words with the characters and look up to see Bucky's reaction to certain scenes, such as the part when the T-Rex, the queen of the park as you like to call her, broke through the gate that caged her in and it made him widen his eyes in shock. By the end of the movie you were on the verge of falling asleep but you stayed awake because you wanted to know how he felt about the movie. You smiled widely when he said he liked it. You both enjoyed your night in and bid your goodnight before heading to your separate rooms. You were drifting off to sleep when you thought for your next date that you'll make him watch the second movie to the trilogy.


I hope you guys liked these. I made these somewhat longer than the other ones because they're only two characters on this page.

I'll write another preference after this one and then I'm going to be adding a Clint catch-up and also a Wanda catch up as well!


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