He Realizes He Has Feelings For You [All The Guys]

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You guys have been jogging together for a while now and Steve loves seeing you jog. You are able to keep up with his fast running pace for a bit before slowing down. One day when you were working and he went running by himself, he started thinking about you. He likes the way you laugh and smile. He likes the fact that you are patient with him when he's learning something new. That was when he realized he has feelings for you, that he likes you romantically, and the next time you see each other, he's going to ask you out for a cup of coffee.


  A few weeks after the protest, you two have started hanging out a lot. But when a group of scientists, who claim they were recruiting people so they can fight against the government, came along and Pietro and his twin sister volunteered for their experiments. Once they were in they didn't get to see you again. When Pietro was in the lab, trying to control his new ability the scientist have given him, he would always think about you. Every time he was in pain he would always think of you. Of your smile, your laugh, your eyes. He would always think about you. That's when he realized he liked you and if he ever got out of the labs, you would be the first thing he would want to see. 


  Before he rescued you, you were already friends with Matt. You've known each other since college and work as his assistant at his law firm, like Karen. He did have a small crush on you since college. You treated him kindly, you never treated him any differently like other people do when they found out about his disability. And he liked that about you. Matt realized his feelings got stronger when he rescued you from the drunk man in the alleyway. And from that moment, he vowed to protect you from anymore harm.


  Loki realized he had feelings for you because every time he went to the clearing, he would always be excited to see you. He loved telling you compliments because of the way you would blush. He liked the way your eyes would light up when you were talking about your family or about anything that interested you. When he would walk into the clearing and find you sitting next to the edge of the river, he would always smile. He was crazy about you. 


  Bucky has been staying at your house for a couple of weeks now. At first he was hesitant to be staying at a strangers home but soon got accustomed to it. He realized he was developing feelings for you because you never treated him badly. You were kind to him and was never bothered by his metal arm. Whenever he would start recalling a memory or got a nightmare, you were always there for him, always by his side. And he appreciated that. You were the first person to show him kindness after so many years of torture, and he was genuinely happy to have you in his life. He never wanted to leave your side.  

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