Christmas [Bucky, Clint, and Wanda]

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"Are you sure this is a good idea, (Y/N)?" The ex-assassin asked nervously.

"You're gonna do fine, James." You wrapped an arm around Bucky's right arm.

"But I've never been ice-skating before. What if I fall?" Bucky's metal fist tighten as he looked at the ice rink.

"I'll catch you." You smiled sweetly at him, noticing how his tense posture relaxed a bit as he listened to your reassuring words.

"It's gonna be fun, James! I'll be right here to teach you how to skate."

Bucky took in a deep breath before nodding. He slowly stepped foot into the rink, almost losing balance if it weren't for you holding onto him.

"See, I told you I got you." He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

You slowly made your way around the rink, only stopping a few times to go near the ledge for Bucky to grip onto and stand up straight before continuing your skating lesson.

You two went around the rink two times before Bucky was able to skate well enough, only needing to hold your hand for assistance.

"Look at you, Barnes! You're almost as good as me!"

"Yeah, I think I have the hang of this skating thin-" He couldn't finish his sentence due to the fact that he tripped over a dip in the ice, causing him to drag you down along with him.

"Ooh," You groaned as you landed on Bucky's chest. "I guess I spoke too soon."

"Very funny, (Y/L/N)." He brought up a hand to ruffle your hair before he gently sat up, helping you up at the same time.

"You didn't do so bad for a beginner, James." You wiped away ice that got stuck to his hair, smoothing it down during the process until you rested your hands against the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah? How many times did you fall when you started ice-skating?"

"Only once and it's because some kid tripped me." You smirked when he gave out a small pout. "But you have to admit, this is pretty fun, right?"

"Only because I'm with you, doll." That same smile he had when he charmed a girl back in the forties showed up on his face when he saw a blush appear across your cheeks.

"Oh, James." You playfully slapped his arm before standing up. You held out a hand to help him stand back up, which he took but it only caused you to fall once again as he pulled. You two laughed as you saw the people skating around you shake their head at your fall. "But I'm glad I'm with you too, Bucky."

He gave you a small smile before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours for a small kiss.


You blew air into your mug before taking a sip of the hot chocolate as you looked up at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall of the Tower.

Setting down the mug onto the counter, you ran a hand through your (h/c) hair and sighed. Clint was currently on a mission and it had to be right around Christmas time.

Just perfect. You thought. This was your first Christmas without your parents and you really needed something to take your mind off of them. With that, you made your way towards the recreational room in the Tower and decided to watch whatever Christmas movie Stark had.

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