How He Asks You Out [All The Guys]

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  To say that Steve was a bit shocked when he saw you again, that would be an accurate statement. He was so caught up with finding out that his best friend from the forties was the Winter Soldier, he forgot about you for a while. The only time he thought of you was when he was falling off the helicarrier, when he thought he was going to die. As he fell, all he pictured in his mind was you and how he was never going to be able to tell you his feelings for you.

When Steve finally got to see you again, he was in the hospital recovering from the injuries he received. When he woke up the first thing he noticed was that music was playing in his room. He looked to his right and saw Sam sitting next to his bed with his head down slightly.

"On your left." Steve said softly. Sam looked up at him and chuckled, his head shaking. Steve smiled back, weakly.

He laid back into his pillow, closing his eyes briefly before hearing the door for his room open. He open his eyes and saw you walking into his room. You gave him a small smile as you walked up to his bed.

Sam got up from his chair, patting Steve on his shoulder. "I'll leave you two alone." He smirked and left the room.

You sat down in the chair Sam was sitting on previously. "Hey, Steve. How are you feeling?" You asked him, worry in your voice.

"I've been better." He replied, his voice sounding hoarse. He cleared his throat a couple times before asking you, "How have you been, (y/n)?"

"I'm fine. It's nice to see you again, Steve." You took his hand in yours, your thumb rubbing the back of his soothingly.

Steve gave you a small smile. "It's good to see you too. I just wish it wasn't in this situation though." He let out a small laugh but winced when he felt a small pain in his stomach. You frowned a bit, gripping his hand tighter.

"Me too." You whispered softly. Steve raised his hand, the one you weren't holding, and placed it on your cheek. You leaned into his hand, smiling softly again.

"(Y/N), when I get out of here, I was wondering if you like to get a cup of coffee with me?"

"I'd love that, Steve."

You both sat in comfortable silence, content in each others company. Both wishing for a fast recovery. 


  You screamed as you saw robots coming towards you. Your city was in the sky and was filled with metal robots. You felt the air getting thinner as you continued to run, trying your best to get away from them. You turned a corner and saw more of those robots walking your way. You stopped to look behind you and noticed those robots have caught up with you, you were surrounded. Just as you were about to accept your fate, you felt a gust of wind pass by and in a blink, the robots were torn apart and scattered on the ground.

You were lost in shock and trying to catch your breath that you didn't realize someone was standing next to you. When you turned, you let out a small scream. Standing next to you is Pietro. The guy you thought you were never going to see again, is standing next to you with a look of surprise on his face.

"I thought I would get a hello, not a scream." He said, smirking. You just shook your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Not even a second later, you felt his arms wrap themselves around your waist.

You pulled away slightly, your arms on his shoulders. "I thought I wasn't going to see you again." You felt tears prick your eyes. He reached up and wiped a tear that managed to fall.

"Oh, printsessa, it's going to take more than just experimenting to get rid of me." He replied, his hands still on your waist. "I was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me?"

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