Making It Official [All The Guys]

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"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Steve asked. You were currently getting ready to meet the other Avengers at the Avengers Tower. Steve thought it was time for you to finally meet them since you've been going on dates for almost two months. But he wanted to introduce you as his girlfriend to them. The only person who knew Steve was seeing you was Sam.

"I'm almost done, I'm just getting my jacket." You yelled back as you ran into your room to grab it, then quickly walking into the living room where Steve was waiting. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go." You smiled as he grabbed your hand and led you to his motorcycle.

When you arrived at the Tower he helped you off of his bike and entered the building. While you were on the elevator you started getting nervous.

"What if they won't like me, Steve?" You asked as you fiddled with your fingers. Something you do when you get nervous. Steve grabbed a hold of one of your hands and brought it to his lips to kiss your knuckles.

"They're gonna love you, doll." You smiled softly and kissed his cheek. You pulled away when the elevators doors open to the floor where the rest of the Avengers were at. You took in a deep breath before exiting and followed Steve.

As you guys reached the main living room area, Steve cleared his throat to let them know he arrived. When they heard Steve, they all stopped talking at once and turned towards you two. You had to fight the urge to hide behind Steve when they didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. But you broke out into a smile when you spotted Sam. He stood up from the couch and walked towards you, engulfing you into a hug.

"(Y/N), it's nice to see you again!"

"Oh, it's nice to see you again too, Sam! How you've been?" You asked him as he pulled away from the hug.

"I'm good. Kicking butt as an Avenger now, so you know, it's cool." You laughed slightly at his response.

"Cap, who's the lovely woman you brought with you?" You heard someone say behind Sam, which turned out to be Tony Stark with a smirk on his face.

Steve wrapped his an arm around your waist before saying, "Everyone this is (Y/N). My girlfriend." You tilted you head to look at Steve but noticed he was already staring at you. A smile on his face which you returned.

"So Steve, you finally managed to get a girl." A female voice said and a lady with bright red hair appeared next to Tony, smirking as well. "Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Natasha." You smiled, shaking her outstretched hand. Soon the other introduced themselves and you weren't nervous anymore.


  You laughed as you hid away from Pietro. While he was taking a nap, running around causes him to be exhausted most of the time, you snuck into his room and managed to put his silver hair into two small pigtails. You ran when you felt him stir under you and quickly made your way to the living room on the main floor of the Tower.

You had to cover your mouth to stifle your laughter when you heard Tony say to Pietro, "Nice hair, Speedster." To which he responded with by touching his hair and letting out a string of curses in Russian. You hid behind a couch when he started shouting your name.

A gust of wind passed by the entryway of the room. "(Y/N), I know you are in here." You held your breath as he stepped closer into the room. "Friday, can you tell me where (Y/N) is hiding?" He asked the A.I.

"She's hiding behind the couch near the bookcase, Mr. Maximoff." Friday gave away your hiding spot and you mentally cursed as you felt that same gust of wind from earlier near you.

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