Chapter 12

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** Maddie's POV**
Two weeks left of holidays. Two weeks left of holidays and all I've done is lie in the garden and get a tan. Usually Fred, George and I would be plotting and planning, but they've gone to Egypt to visit their older brother, Bill. I miss those guys.
"Maddie!" Remus calls from the kitchen. I lazily pick Snowy up off my chest,get up and walk inside into the cool kitchen. Remus is holiding a letter in one hand, his eyes gleaming in excitement. I put Snowy down softly.
"What's up?" I ask, brushing my fingers through my hair.
"I've got a job," Remus says, "at Hogwarts!"
"Oh no way!" I exclaim, thrilled, "Defence?"
"Yes," he grins at me.
"That's amazing!" I tell him. His smile fades for a moment.
"You won't feel... You know, awkward with me there?" he asks.
"No!" I laugh, "but don't expect me to behave any better, Professor."
He rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
"That would be asking too much," he says, "oh, here's your letter."
I take it and notice it feels heavier. Fifth year. Owls. Probably more books that usual.
I rip the envelope open and pull the letter out. I open it and scream.
"What?" Remus asks, spinning around in alarm. I uncover my mouth and, hands shaking, hold up the small badge.
"Prefect?" Remus asks, astonished, "Prefect?"
"No," I shake my head, "it's a mistake, that's all."
"No," he laughs, looking at my letter, "it's not."
I look up at him.
"This... This can't be true," I whisper, "I'm not well behaved! I'm not a role model!"
"Hmm, perhaps they're hoping your behaviour will change," Remus suggests, "or maybe that this will influence Fred and George-"
"Oh no!" I cry, "Fred and George... they'll ridicule me into oblivion and back!"
"They should be proud!" Remus protests, "you should be proud. I am!"
I just shake my head. Just then, Odie swoops in with the Daily Prophet. Remus picks it up and unrolls it.
"No," he gasps.
"What?" I ask, looking up from the red and gold life ruiner.
"It's..." he shakes his head in disbelief. I hold my hand out for the paper. He hesitates, but then hands it to me. I turn it around and gasp.
Sirius Black.
I stare into the eyes of my father, then look at the word 'escaped'. I look up at Remus.
"He's probably forgotten," he mutters, "he won't know..."
He shakes his head to clear it.
"We'll go to Diagon Alley tomorrow," he says distractedly.
"Oh, can't we go the week after next?" I ask, "Fred and George wrote and said that's when they're getting back from Egypt."
"I suppose," Remus replies vaguely, "yes..."

**George's POV**

After the summer in Egypt we got back to the Leaky Cauldron where we'd be staying a night or two before going back to school. I wrote to Maddie to arrange for her to stay there too.
"Fred, are you going to get your books?" Mum asks.
"George," I correct her, "we're waiting for Maddie."
"She's here!" Fred calls. Maddie walks in with Remus who talks to her for a second, then strides off down the street. Maddie walks over looking very shy.
"What's up?" I ask, concerned. Suddenly Percy strides over, his Head Boy badge gleaming on his chest.
"I'm so sorry!" Maddie says quickly before Percy seizes her hand.
"Well done!" he cries, "if you need any advice or guidance don't hesitate-"
"You didn't!" Fred interrupts, pushing Percy aside. Maddie holds up a small badge and our worst dreams are confirmed.
"Prefect!" Mum cries, seeing it, "oh, Maddison, dear, well done!"
Maddie buries her face in her hands for a moment.
"I'm so sorry!" she moans again, "I never dreamed-"
"Now boys," Percy says smugly, "I think this is the end of your pranking!"
I glance at Fred. He reflects my expression exactly. It won't be the same without Maddie.
"You will still prank with us, won't you?" I ask uncertainly.
"Of course!" she says earnestly, but she still has a slight frown on her face.
"Let's get our stuff," Fred says, changing the subject tactfully, "do you need to go to Gringotts?"
"I've already been," she says, tucking the badge into her pocket, "now, let's go get some fireworks, I'm running low."
"Should a prefect really-"
I'm cut short by Maddie's wand poking into my neck.
"Never mind," I say tersely. She puts her wand away and we step into the Alley. It's plastered with pictures of Sirius Black.
"Is it weird?" Fred asks quietly, "seeing him like this?"
Maddie looks around her. She stops infront of one of the pictures. She looks a lot like her father. The same hair, eyes...
"Yeah," she answers, "yeah, it's weird."

**Maddie's POV**

"There're the Weasleys," Remus says. We're standing close to the Hogwarts Express, waiting for the Weasleys.
"Are you sure you don't want me to sit with you?" I ask Remus for the millionth time.
"I'm not a child," he laughs, "I'll probably sleep most of the time. Now, you remember the spell incase the dementors check the train?"
"Expecto patronum," I reply, "Uncle, do you know why my patronus is a giant dog?"
"Uh, no," he replies vaguely, "we'd better get on."
"I've saved us a compartment," I tell Fred and George as the train moves off. We sit down and Percy bursts in. Well, steps in. I don't imagine Percy would ever burst into anything. That would be far too exciting.
"There is a whole carriage for the prefects," he tells me, "if you would like to join-"
"No thanks," I reply, trying not to cringe. He walks out again and I make a face.
"The only good of this is that I'll be able to us the prefect's bathroom," I sigh.
Out of no where - well, obviously some where - Oliver bursts -actually bursts -into the compartment.
"Don't tell me!" I cry, holiding my hand up, "we have Quidditch practice on Saturday!"
"Am I that predictable?" he laughs.
"Yes!" we all say at the same time.
"Well, if you see anyone else, let them know, will you?"
"Sure," we reply. Oliver leaves again. Fred leans back in his seat and I lie on my back with my head in his lap.
"What's your favourite colour?" I ask sleepily.
"Blue," he replies.
"I... Like... Black..." I mumble, my eyes closing.

"Ouch!" I cry, opening my eyes.
"Sorry," Fred mutters, "I did try to catch you."
I scramble off the floor and dust myself off.
"What's going on?" I ask, rubbing my eyes, "we're not there yet, are we?"
"Nope," George says, looking out the window, "maybe we've broken down?"
"It's cold, huh?" I reply, shivering.
"Yeah," Fred says, also looking out the window, "there's someone out there, but I can't see..."
I push past them and look out the window. My nose touches the glass and instantly cold rushes onto my face.
"Dementors," I mutter. Fred and George look around in alarm.
"Looking for..."
"Yep," I sigh.
"Will they get... They're getting on!" George says, his voice suddenly strained. I pull out my wand and hold it tightly, focusing on happy memories. Suddenly the lights shut out. I jump and clutch my wand tighter.
Someone fligs the door open and stumbles into our compartment.
"DRACO!" I yell, grabbing my cousin by the collar, "shh! Sit down!"
He sits next to me, huddling rather close. I put a comforting arm around his shoulders.
"No," he groans. I look at the door. A rotting hand is curled around it, pulling it open. I keep focusing on the happy thoughts.
"He's not here," I say quietly. The dementor floats inside the compartment.
"He;s not here!" I say more loudly. The dementor still doesn't leave. I feel the happy thoughts begin to slip.
"Expecto patronum!" I gasp out. A huge, silver dog erupts from the tip of my wand and launches itself at the dementor. I bury my face in Draco's hair and close my eyes, feeling warmth slowly return. Eventually the lights flicker back on and the train starts moving.
"That was close," Draco says with a sigh of relief, then he catches sight of Fred and George.
"What're you doing here?" he sneers.
"Bye Draco," I sigh, pushing him out the door. Fred closes the door forcefully after him.
"Are you alright?" I ask them both. They look pale. The door opens and Remus sticks his head in.
"Good job," he says to me quietly, "here," he hands us chocolate, "eat all of it."
"Thanks," we chorus as he walks out again. I break the chocolate up and hand it around.
"Those things are horrible," Fred shudders.
"They're terrible," I agree.
"How'd you make it leave?" George asks.
"It's a spell Remus taught me," I reply. I quickly explain the patronus charm.
"So, are all patronuses dogs?" Fred asks.
"No, they vary between people," I reply, "usually it's something to do with someone you love or who is close to you."
"Why is yours a dog?" George asks. I shrug.
"No idea."
"You fainted Potter?"
I hear Draco's taunting voice and see him block Harry's way.
"Here," I mutter,dumping my stuff with Fred, George and Lee.
"Draco," I hiss, grabbing his arm, "get out of it. You weren't much better!"
A dull flush colours his cheeks, but he shoots Harry a smirk, shrugs me off and walks inside.
"Ignore him," I tell Harry, walking back to get my stuff.
"Come on," I sigh to the boys. We heave our stuff to the pile in the Entrance hall and walk through to the great hall.
"Hey guys!" I call, waving to Alicia and Angelina.
"Hi," Alicia says, moving over slightly to make room.
"Those dementors are horrible," Angelina says with a shiver, "they shouldn't be allowed."
"Hey Black!"
I turn around and see a Slytherine boy standing nearby with a group of his friends.
"How do you feel about Daddy's up coming kiss?" he taunts. I feel anger rise up in throat.
"I think you should get one too," A Slytherine girl says, "bad blood. Black blood."
"Maddie, breathe," Alicia says as I start shaking.
"Like father like daughter!" the boy jeers again, "bet you're just waiting for a chance to kill some muggles!"
Before I know what's happening my wand is in my hand and the boys is lying flat on his back.
"Maddison!" Remus appears at my shoulder, but I move past him, the anger too strong. I lean over the Slytherine boy who whimpers quietly.
"It's not the muggles I'd like to kill," I hiss threateningly.
"No!" he moans, covering his face with his hands.
"Maddison!" Remus uses the tone he used when I was little and would do something naughty. I look around and notice everyone is staring at me.
"Put that away," Remus says, motioning to my wand. I slip it back inside my robes.
"Come here," Remus orders. He grabs my arm and walks me out of the Hall. McGonagal comes down the stairs with Hermione. They both freeze when they see us.
"What's going on?" McGonagal asks, shooing Hermione into the Hall.
"She attacked a student," Remus says sternly.
"Why?" McGonagal demands.
"That's what I want to know," Remus replies. They both look at me expectantly. I fold my arms over my chest, the anger still boiling in my chest.
"Well," McGonagal says, "this is a poor start as a prefect! Attacking without provocation-"
"Without provocation?" I yell, "as if I would ever attack without provocation!"
"Why did you then?" McGonagal snaps. I sigh and look directly at Remus.
"They said Sirius Black isn't the only one who deserves to have the Dementors kiss," I tell him calmly, even though I feel my eyes sting, "they said I have bad blood... They're vile..."
I choke a bit and struggle to breathe.
"I don't want him to get caught!" I burst out, feeling panicy, "I don't want him to get the Dementor's kiss!"
Remus quickly puts his arms around me. McGonagl looks sympathetic.
"I'll let you off with a warning," she says gently, "but you have to control yourself. You're a prefect now."
"Why?" I ask her, wiping my eyes, "I'm not prefect material."
"You're intelligent," she says, "and if you behaved yourself more-"
Remus is obviously trying not to laugh which makes me giggle. McGonagal sighs.
"Just try," she says, pointing towards the Hall. I walk in and walk straight over to the Gryffindor table, ignoring the Slytherines. I sink in between Fred and George.
"Good curse," George whispers.
"Brilliant," Fred agrees. I can't help smiling.
"We have two new staff appointments," Dumbledore says, "firstly, out new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Remus Lupin."
Fred, George and I burst into loud applause. Remus smiles and shakes his head slightly. Dumbledore's eyes twinkle as he hushes us.
"Secondly," he chuckles, "our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn has retired and will be replaced with none other than Rubeus Hagrid-"
The last of his words are drowned out as the Gryffindor table erupts into applause. Hagrid is bright red and staring at his lap. Eventually the clapping dies down.
"I think that's everything," Dumbledore says, "let's begin!"

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