Horrible nightmare

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Author's note: So I decided to continue this story I guess I just got my motivation back. I will try to finish this story. Maybe a few more chapter.


Draven opened his eyes and felt pain rush through him. He wished that it was just a horrible nightmare. He wished that he could just disappear.

He shivered a bit under the covers and that's when he had to accept the fact that yesterday was real, that it wasn't a nightmare.

Draven was still cold, and naked, he still felt afraid, afraid that it would happen again. Afraid that he will come back and relive his nightmare.

Draven started to cry as he soon realized that he will be alone with Blake for a week.

His parents will be on a cruise smiling and laughing, and having a good time. While he is being broken down. Until his soul is being ripped apart from him. He relived his nightmare twice. But he is afraid to admit it that it will not be the last.

Then the question that has been floating around in his mind since last night came back to him again. Why?, why would Blake to this to him? He thought he was his friend.

The only person he went to in a time of need. The only person who understood him. The only person who cared.

But he was wrong. Draven was blinded by Blake's lies. He wondered if the story about his childhood was a lie too. If Blake was just trying to gain his trust.

Then his heart started to race as he heard his bedroom door slam open. He digged into the bed deeper and tugged at the covers. He wanted to hide, he wanted to hide from the monster. He felt himself shake in fear.

"Good morning Draven! How'd you sleep?" Draven's fear turned into anger.

How dare he say that. How dare he act like nothing happened, like he didn't remember yesterday. Draven wanted to scream and shout at him. To punish him for what he had done.

But instead Draven stayed quiet as he pushed further onto the mattress.

"Did you like your gift? Because I loved mine. Took a long ride in it last night. She runs smoothly." Draven could sense Blake mocking him.

He couldn't help the anger as he pushed off the covers and faced the man who took his life away.

"You fuckin raped me!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. As he felt anger shiver off his body.

Blake gasped and grabbed the boy by the hair.

"We do not cuss in this house!" Draven could feel Blake's breath as he met Blake's eyes. Draven closed his eyes shut trying his best not to make eye contact.

No, he thought. No I won't let him hurt me anymore. I won't let him. All of a sudden he felt confident. He had the strength to fight back.

"Don't touch me!" Draven yelled and pushed away with all his force. His push backfired and instead of pushing Blake away. He fell onto the checkered rug.

Blake stood there and admired him. A small smile slipped across his face.

"Looks like your ready for me." Blake still stood in the same spot as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Draven laid cold, hurt, and naked on the floor. He curled up in a ball and started to cry. His strength, his confidence suddenly started to fade away.

Draven looked up at Blake. A twisted smile played across his face.

Draven didn't know why he said it but regretted it afterwards.

"Your a monster." He spit.

Blake laughed. Finally he cleared his throat.

"I'm the monster really Draven, really."

Draven stood up quickly from his spot on the floor and reached for the pair of boxers that were laying on the floor from last night.

He slipped them on fast. He had to tell his parents whats going on. They would believe me, right he thought. He just didn't want to suffer anymore.

"I'm going to call my parents and they are going to know everything, they are going to know about you and what you did to me." Draven yelled with such force he never even knew he had.

Blake walked a few steps closer to him. His arms still crossed.

"And who's going to believe you. Really Draven think about it for a second. When they know the truth they will never respect you. They are going to treat you like trash." Blake paused and looked at the boy who had tears dripping violently.

Then he continued.

"They are going to be embarrassed of you. They are going to think you enjoyed it." Blake pauses and steps closer.

"Did you?" Draven looked up from his tears and whipped them away angrily. Stop crying he told himself, stop crying. Your just giving him what he wants.

Blake then pushed Draven onto the bed as he jumped on top of him. He breathed in Draven's hair.

Draven's tears returned with vengeance.

"Please" he begged. "Not again."

"Oh no Draven not right now you are one dirty boy." Blake grinned. "I just need you to relax." He lessened his grip on Draven as he slowly sat on the side of the bed.

Blake took a deep breath and turned to look at the boy.

"Please" he paused and swallowed hard. "Don't make me do it." Blake got up quickly and was halfway toward the door. He gripped his hand on the door knob.

Draven could see him hesitate. Blake turned to look back at Draven.

"Don't be like Dominik." And without saying another word he closed the door shut behind him.

Draven still laid there. He was sweating and shaking in fear. He waited until he finally heard Blake's footsteps fade across the hall.

Draven sat up onto the side of the bed. Only one question invaded his mind now.

"Who is Dominik?"

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