Naruto can be smart...(kinda)

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Akira’s POV

After Kakashi walked out the door leaving me to my thoughts, I couldn’t help but see movement from the corner of my eye. It was a bit of black sticky up hair. ‘Sasuke? Oh no. I really hope he didn’t hear anything.’

I silently walked to the window and leaned out on the sill, “What are you doing?”

I watched him flinch before straightening up quickly trying to play it cool. Yeah, it didn’t work. He was avoiding eye contact and looked like a kid who had just eaten grandpa’s cake.

“Nothing I have to explain to you.” He finally made eye contact with me, looking like he was searching for something.

‘Like an explanation of what he shouldn’t have heard.’ I sighed.

“Fine, then what did you hear?”

“I was just passing by.” He turned and was about to leave.

‘No way did he just pass by, and even then I’m sure he would have heard at least something.’

I jumped out the window to land on the deck that runs around the house before grabbing his shirt, “I know you heard something. Tell me!”

He was staring at me coldly refusing to give me the answer. It seemed like it took him forever to answer me. I was actually debating giving up at that point.

“You live with Kakashi.” There it was plain and simple the one thing Kakashi and I swore never to tell about. I mean, we swore it to Gramps a few days before this mission.

“Never let them know, it could bring danger to you both…” I whispered to myself, quoting Gramps word for word.

“What?” Sasuke looked at me confused as I let go of his shirt.

“You can’t tell anyone. Not a single person. If you do,” I started to walk back to the front door. “I will make it my top priority to. Hunt. You. Down.”

As soon as I made it around the corner I ran into the forest. Not far, I didn’t want to be kidnapped again.

‘That would just make Kakashi give me another stupid lecture.’

I quickly used chakra to run up a tree, just like Ibiki taught me to run up that cliff. As I watched the clouds drift across the sky, I came up with reasons to stay in Konoha and reasons to leave it. One. I’ve never felt more at home. Two. I actually have friends there. Three. It’s safer than most places. Four. It can keep me updated on my own situation. I lowered my head. One.  I’m putting my friends in danger. Two. If my friends found out about me I could get hurt. Three. I don’t truly belong there anyways. Four. I suck at being a ninja, what type of ninja gets herself kidnapped on her first real mission. Five. I have no place to live. Six. Kakashi hates me…. I sat up there just thinking for who knows how long, all I know is that by the time I came back down it had been night for a while. I probably would have stayed up longer if someone hadn’t bothered to find me.

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