Chapter 3

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I turned around and I saw "sexy book guy" holding my handkerchief. When I heard him call my name part of me was excited. I was finally going to talk to an attractive guy and maybe we could form a relationship. Another part of me was nervous. What if I said something wrong? I can't just stand here and not talk to him, especially when he asked me a direct question.
I just said the first thing that popped into my head.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

I knew that was a mistake because I heard Jennifer and Georgie groan beside me. Crap why couldn't I just said yes it was mine. Now I made the situation more awkward than it had to be.

"I asked if this handkerchief was yours. I saw you drop it and it would be a shame to lose something that you loved. " Said sexy book guy.

He had a very deep voice that would make any girl swoon. He also had a caring sense to his voice that made me realize he wasn't mad at me for asking him to repeat the question. His deep voice wasn't his best feature though. He had white blond hair, a fine jaw, and muscular arms. I had to get out of my trance though because I was really starting to look like a idiot.

"Yes yes it's mine!" I said sounding way to eager. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "Thank you so much for finding it. It is my favourite handkerchief after all and I don't know what I would have done if I lost it. " I said in my best flirtatious voice.

I ignored my friends laughs behind me and started to walk up to sexy book guy.

He chuckled at my comment and handed me my handkerchief. Our hands touched for a brief moment, but I didn't feel any sparks of electricity that I have heard about so much.

"Well the pleasure is all mine. My names is Snorea by the way." He said to me.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Tamara. Snorea that's an intresting name, is it Irish?" I asked.

"No actually it's Norwegian. I'm originally from Norway but I moved to London a couple years ago." Snorea told me.

"What brings you to Paris then?" I asked trying to sound interested in what he was saying. This is the first time I have actually talked to a boy alone in a while, so I am just trying to stay calm and be myself.

"My work actually is transporting me to Paris. I'm a banker. " He answered.

"Oh well that must be interesting. What do you do in your division?" I asked again. I really sound like I was interrogating him but never the less he answered my questions with such enthusiasm.

He then started talking about his work which I'm really trying to pay attention to. It's been really hard though because when he speaks his eyes light up passionately. He must really love his work, but banking has always bored me and I find it very hard to listen to anything he is saying. Plus I'm just getting distracted by his good looks.

"Ok Tamara, stop thinking about his good looks and actually pay attention to the boring stuff he is saying," I said out loud.

"I'm sorry what was that?" he asked.

"Oh no!" I gasped. While I was lost in thought I didn't realized I said that last part out loud. I felt so humiliated. The worst part is my entire face turned a bright tomato red.

I immediately turned around and walked away as fast as I could. I found Jen and Georgie laughing in the corner.

"Oh Tamara we really are sorry." Jen said in between fits of laughter.

"Lets go before anything else happens." I said. All I want to do now is go find Rachelle and Karissa and never think of this day again.


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