Chapter 10 ~ Rules And The Locket

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Dedicated to this chicka! She's an awesome writer and I love her book, go check it out folks <3 " My Girlfriend is a Supermodel ( A Greyson Chance Fanfic ) "


Harry point of view

"Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick," the old grandfather clock ticked away as I counted down the hours I had left alone in this house.

I can't believe I agreed with Louis about Angel staying over, but I doubt it would be that bad? would it? What am I even saying, it's going to be horrible. I got off the leather couch and made my way into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to grab myself a can of pop. Only about three hours ago I had a argument with that thing and now she is living with me. Am quiet fabergautied that Angel even had the guts to talk to me like that. No one, and I mean no one has ever spoken to me like that expect Aura. Aura, that sudden thought triggered a memory of our past. Not a good memory, no a bad one, one that may seem silly now but was a big deal back than.

Flash back ( Aura point of view )

It was nice, just cuddling on the couch, watching old reruns of cartoons. Harry was gone out, probably to a meeting with the guys. Right now we're in Hawaii, Harry rented a cute light hut near the beach. I turned my head to see the bluest ocean view that our vivid black window perfectly displayed. The salty breeze blowing through the window made me feel just a bit cold. So I cuddled into my blanket a bit more.

" PIKA PIKA !" giggling at how cute pikachu did his famous thunder bolt, I wish Harry was here to cuddle.

I zoned out dreaming about how life would actually be if we all were pokemon trainers. Gosh it would be so hard to chose a starter pokemon, I mean they're all so good and cute it's just so mean not choosing all of them. As I continued daydreaming I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes.

" IT'S DARK HARRY !!" I responded and giggled.

I heard his deep chuckle, it was always a little turn on for me. Deep and raspy, just the way I like it. I pulled him over, making him fumble and sit lazily on the couch. Softly pecking his lips I placed my head on his laps and watched the television.

Harry point of view

I ran my fingering through her tangled black hair. How can she control this mane?!

" baby can we please watch something else? I mean we seen this show over billions of times." I sighed.

" No. "

" why not? You know what I'll just change it " I got up and changed the channel to scooby do.

" NO! Why did you even change it, I was watching!" aura screamed.

" I don't want to watch pokemon, and you have been at home watching the television, it's my turn. " I sat back on the couch turning my attention towards the show.

" I hate this show, give me the remote. " she reached over to grab it but I quickly snatched it and stuffed it down my pants.

" Harry that is disgusting quit acting like a baby and hand me the remote !" she glared, it was quite a scary glare. I shaked my head, and ignored her, earning myself a thump on the back of my head. I groaned.

" Aura it's been a long day can't I once just come home and watch tele ?! " I snapped and glared back. We were both intensely staring into each others eyes. If looks could kill lets just say we would both be death this minute. I could feel my fist starting to clench as I noticed Aura was to.

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