Chapter Three ~ When They First Met

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Sorry Short chapter, and please check out this girls book! It's awesome (:


Niall's pov

I rocked Angel in my arms as Liam and Zayn started humming " What Makes You Beautiful." I never knew how small and light Angel was. Her streling grey eyes scanned my face and she gave me a light laugh while touching my face with her tiny hand. " Can I have a turn holding her ? " Liam asked. I nodded my head and gave her to him.

" Holy fish sticks, Angel is so small. Is that normal? I mean when Jake was born he was twice the size of her" Liam spoke. Liam was married to Danielle for about 7 years and had 2 amazing kids, Jake and Rose.

 " mate it depends on the genes of the parents, I guess she's more on Aurora than Harry." Zayn answered. I remember seeing baby pictures of Aurora when we were invited to her house for the first time for dinner.

Flash back......

" Mum no these guys do not want to see baby pictures of me! Please don't show them! ". Aurora was on the ground begging while we all bursted out laughing at the little scene that was going on.

" honey now get up your clothes will get dirty and besides,  I bet the boys will be glad to see them" Mrs. Mill said while getting the album. We all sat on the couch and started looking through the book.

" Look mates, Aurora is in a bucket naked here !" Louis chuckled and showed us. I started to laugh my arse off and started turning red like the bucket in the picture.

 " oh yes that picture was taken when we were in Africa. We were original from there. So technically we are Indian slash African slash British"  Mrs. Mill said as she giggled to.  Aurora gave us all glares but could not hold back laughter.

" gosh mum are you done with the pictures ?" Aurora asked.

" nope there is one more I want to show them. It's the one where you were just born. Except it's like a couple hours after." Mrs. Mill showed it. Aurora was so small, with jet black hair, and pitch dark black eyes. Wow her eye color changed, that's neat.  I heard Harry whisper to him self that he wants a beautiful child like her when they get married. Poor Harry I don't think that will ever happen, but if it does he will be a  lucky man. 

End of flash back....

We started  taking turns holding Angel and acting like children that we did not hear Harry and Louis walk in. Louis cleared his throat. " hey guys, am sorry but Harry officially put Angel up for adoption.." Liam put Angel back in her cradle and we all headed back out in the hall.

" Harry how could you?!" Liam whisper yelled.

" I told you I do not want her and besides Louis here adopted her when I made it clear I do not want her in my life" Harry replied in a harsh tone. The lads and I looked at Louis who just gave us a light smile. I can not believe he did that. But I am glad he did because from the time I have spent with Angel. Even if its been just a couple of hours, I do not want her to be in another family.



Sorry for the late update, my life is abit crazy right now. How was your guys weekend so far? Mine was busy with get togethers with family members, writing, and eating ice cream

Remember everyone that your all beautiful individuals!

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