Will You Stay Away Forever? 18

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“This place looks nice, right?” Matt asked Brian and then turned around to look at Jade and Chloe, who sat at the backseat.

“It’s a burger place and a bar…” Jade smirked while looking at the restaurant through the car’s window.

“Jee sorry babe but we’re on a budget now…” Matt chuckled apologetically, which made Chloe snore with laughter.

Puh-lease!” Chloe rolled her eyes, knowing that even separately; Jade and Matt had more money than they would ever need in their lives. “Let’s go…” She added and opened up the door, sliding out of the car.

“Since when do you like meat?” Jade arched a eyebrow while they made their way across the parking lot.

“I dunno! I’ve just been craving a huge piece of meat lately!” Chloe called while she felt her appetite grow stronger, she could eat anything.

“Well I bet Brian can provide you with that.” Matt grinned cockily while he walked by Jade’s side.

Very mature!” She giggled and tried smacking him across the head, but failed miserably, he was way too tall. “Jade, tell him!” Chloe poked Jade’s rig cage. Jade’s only response was a treacherous giggle which was followed by her opening the bar’s doors.

A skinny guy with a blue mohawk and shiny snakebites greeted them and immediately stopped in his tracks, gulping. “W-Would you prefer a t-table or a v-v-VIP booth?” He stuttered, trying to keep his cool while his eye rapidly travelled from Brian to Matt and back.

“Booth?” Matt turned to everyone, they shrugged indifferently.  “Booth.” Matt told the star-struck host, who shakily lead them to a distant corner. They slid into the padded seats and grabbed their menus.

Busted…” Jade whistled while scanning the list of dishes, trying to act innocent.

 “Maybe he was a fan of Chloe’s!” Matt said in his defense, making Jade laugh out loud.

“Why would he be a fan of mine?” Chloe asked. Looking at them over the menu while trying to decide what to order.

“Because you’re like, the Norwegian Kim Kardashian?!” Matt rolled his eyes, kicking Chloe’s leg under the table.

“Don’t think so…” She shook her head, “I want a burger!” She announced.

“How very creative of you.” Brian chuckled and tossed the menu aside to allow himself to sit back on the couch.

“Awww what happened to Sonic!?” Jade pouted and tried reaching for Brian’s hair, which was straight.

Sonic?” Brian smirked while avoiding her hand.

“Yeah! Sonic the hedgehog!” Jade said excitedly, referring to Brian’s spiky hair, “Synnic!” Jade exclaimed and Chloe burst out laughing. Right when Brian opened his mouth to answer, the nervous waiter returned.

“I-I’m Luke. Would you like to have your order taken?” He managed to say, anxiously biting his piercings.

“Sup man?” Brian smiled and leaned over the table to shake Luke’s hand, who looked like he was about to piss himself.

Fucking hell! So it’s really you? Wow, Syn Gates and M. Shadows!” Luke gasped to himself. He then cleared his throat and pulled the notepad out of his jean pocket, “So…” He tried acting professional.

Okie…” Jade giggled, “I want the kiddy burger, with onion rings and an enormous coke!” She grinned excitedly.

“Seriously, babe?” Matt looked at her in the corner of his eyes, he was rather amused.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Where stories live. Discover now