Chapter 47

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*Autumn's POV*

I was meeting Joe at the airport, with my suitcase in one hand, and passport in the other.

When i saw him a smile grew on my face as i rushed over to him, as quick as i could whilst dragging the case behind me.

'Heyyyy!' I cheered.

'Somebodys excited!' Joe chuckled.

He was right- i was so unbelievably happy and excited. But in the pit of my stomach i couldn't help but feel a little bit anxious. I ignored it anyway.

After going through all of the security and sorting out luggage, we ventured into a few shops before our flight.

When the time came we lined up to show our passports to board the plane.
It was only 7am in the morning, and i don't think i have ever been awake so early. It killed me to wake up, so at the moment i was like a living zombie.


We were finally sitting down on our flight, it was round about 7:45.

I was feeling so hyperactive, but all of a sudden a wave of anxiety washed over me. I felt like i wanted to be sick.

Not again.

The plane had taken off and i started hyperventilating, i think that's when Joe noticed something was wrong with me.

I started to think ths worst possible thoughts, of what could happen to us on this plane. But why? I've never been afraid of flights before, so why now?

'Nothing bad is going to happen, okay? As long as i'm here, nothing is going to happen to you, ever' Joe whispered to me, so that the rest of the plane-full of people wouldn't hear our convocation.

I didn't reply, but Joe just simply pulled me closer to him, and stroked my hair, soothingly.

I simply nuzzled my head into his side, falling asleep instantly- causing the anxiety to fade away.


I woke up to the sound of Joe's voice. At first i thought it was a dream, but when i realized it was real, i opened my eyes.

'Aut, it's time to wake up now' he spoke in a hushed tone.

I groaned and replied, 'we're here?'.

'Yeah, you were completely knocked out for the whole flight! I felt really lonley' he said pouting.

'Sorry 'bout that' i giggled, and we got off the plane.

After about an hour of trying to collect our suitcases, we found them and headed out side of the airport.

I inhaled the air deeply, and smiled to myself. It was so much fresher than London's air, so it was nice to get away from that.

After a few minutes of Joe fumbling about on his phone, he found a SatNav to guide us to our hotel; as we had no clue where we were going.

Eventually we ended up at the hotel, and we were stood outside of it.
I wasn't expecting anything big, or grand. But it didn't look as amazing as i'd thought it would be.

We carried on inside anyway, and i guess i was wrong. People shouldn't judge a 'book' by its 'cover'.
It looked spectacular; from a beautiful chandelier to shiny tiled floor.

'Joe this is amazing!! I definitely wasn't expecting this' i gasped.

'I'm glad you like it' he smiled genuinely at me.

We sorted out our room key and were now in our room.
It was even more perfect than the reception of the hotel.
It had a huge bay window, looking out towards the city.
It also had a king sized bed, beautifully layed out with pillows.

I dropped my bags and walked over towards the bay window- you could see the Eiffel tower!

'Thank you so much Joe' i grinned, wrapping my arms around his torso.

'You're welcome' he said, kissing my head.

And we stood there for a while, in silence. Not the awkward type- but the comfortable one.

'I'm taking you out tonight' joe said breaking the silence, scaring me a little.

'How come?' I asked confused.

'Can't i take my girlfriend out on a date without being questioned?' He smirked.

'I'm not complaining' i laughed.

I ran over towards the wardrobe, to pick out my outfit for tonight.

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