Chapter 14

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*Autumn's POV*
I honestly didn't mind Joe's company, it was nice to get things off my chest. I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, & now I'm free. Is this what I needed to do to get over him? Lucas? Maybe opening up to people made me feel better... And I guess it did in a way.

I was sitting on Caspar's bed & Joe began to walk upstairs.

"What should I order for lunch Caspar? I can't be bothered to Cook anything" he shouted.

"Typical Joe" Caspar muttered under his breath chuckling, "PIZZA! PIZZA! PIZZA!" He exclaimed, and I could heard Joe laughing from upstairs.

"I'm sorry forgetting to tell you Joe would be here... I thought you weren't going to turn up" Caspar frowned.

"It's fine Cas', Joe is really nice anyways. I'm glad you've found yourself a nice roommate to look after you" I smiled.

"Hey! I can look after myself you know!" He said in a strong South African Accent.

"Yeah yeah" I said sarcastically, causing him to punch me in the arm playfully.

We walked upstairs and we enjoyed a Pizza. We had a chicken Korma & a margarita.
It was nearing 7pm. 7pm already!

"I better call a taxi, it's getting late" I sighed, not wanting to leave.

"If you want, I can drive you home?" Joe offered unexpectedly.

I didn't know what to say. Would it be awkward? I hardly know him? It's a really nice offer of him though..
He stood there staring at me waiting for an answer, whilst Caspar also waited for an answer, swapping glances from me & Joe.

"That'd be great if you're sure you don't mind" in smiled.

He grabbed his keys & we walked out of the apartment block together, until we got to his car outside. He held out the door for me to sit in the passenger seat in the front of the car, whilst I thanked him.
After driving for a while, he began to question me.

"So, how old are you?" He asked, seeming intruged.

"Sixteen, what about you?"

"Seventeen, almost eighteen" he smiled.

Now I thought I should ask him some questions.

"How's this YouTube thing going?" I asked.

"I guess it's going okay. Believe it or not i'm quite a shy person, so sometimes I find it hard finding things to say. But apart from all of that, it's really fun. I'm glad Zoe pestered me to do it." He said whilst concentrating on the road.

"I don't mind if you don't want to answer, but do you have a girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

"No no it's fine. No I don't have a girlfriend, i'm a single Pringle, " he chuckled, "too cheesy?"

"Just a bit" I replied whilst laughing.

On the radio was Signal 1 and they started playing my favorite song 'perfect' by One direction.
Joe automatically turned up the radio.

"Do you mind me turning up the radio? I really like this song, its my favorite of One directions at the moment." Joe asked.

"No not at all, its my favorite song too" I smiled, whilst suddenly starting to sing the song.

"If you like midnight driving with the windows down, if you like going places we can't even pronounce!" We sung together whilst laughing.

"We have something in common" he said with a smile.

His hair was now swooping over his face, and his smile was so cute.

...He was adorable.

We finally arrived outside of my house. I got out & started to walk towards my front door, until Joe wound down his car window, causing me to stand still and turn back towards him.

"I've had a really good time tonight, you should come around again sometime." he smiled.

"It has, and yeah I definitely will. I've had more fun tonight than I have in ages" i smiled back.

"It's been great getting to know you better Autumn."

"You too Joseph. I'll see you soon" I waved goodbye.

And with that, he wound up his car window again and drove off.
He's a really nice guy. Why aren't all boys like that?

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