Chapter 28

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*Autumn's POV*

First day back at college was a success.
I was walking home with just Joe today because Caspar had gone to visit Emilia's parents for the first time... Good luck.

'Would you like to come back to my apartment? We could watch some films and get a takeaway?' Joe asked, turning towards me.

'sure' i smiled, 'I'll just text my mum now to let her know.' I said, whilst getting my phone out of my pocket.

'You're so cute' Joe said, and i could feel his eyes burning on me as we walked.

'So are you' i laughed, i was joking but some part of me was being serious.

'Autumn, i like you. A lot.' He said, stopping me to face him. 'I want to be with you, more than anything. I fully understand if you don't want to be, but could we treat this as a 'first date'? And we'll see how it goes?'.

'You're making me blush' i laughed, burying my head into my coat, beginning to walk again. 'But why not?' I smiled.

I'm glad i met Joe. When i had Lucas, he'd ask me things over text, or he'd dump me over text. Whereas with Joe, he wasn't afraid to say it to my face. Joe wasn't embarrassed to call me his best friend, and he wasn't embarrassed that he wanted to call me his.

We arrived at the empty apartment, i chucked off my coat and shoes and threw myself onto the sofa.
I made myself at home and turned on the TV to find a film we could watch.
Joe didn't follow me though, he was messing around with something in the kitchen.

He had finally finished what he was doing and put down a drink next to me. He'd made me a hot chocolate with marshmallows and squirty cream!

'Awh thank you Joe' i grinned, my smile meeting my eyes.

He lifted my legs up, sat down and placed my legs back down on his lap.

' i can move if you like?' I asked, about to sit up.

'No, it's fine' he said whilst sipping his hot chocolate. 'So, what film do you wanna watch?'

' i don't mind. Sad film, happy film, adventure film- whatever' i laughed.

'Hmm, how about If I stay or Dumb and dumber- complete opposites' he said after a while of flicking through movies.

'I love if i stay!! Can we watch that please?' i asked politely, drinking some of my hot chocolate.

'Of course we can. Also, you have cream here- ' he said, whilst removing the squirty cream from around my mouth with his thumb.

Throughout the film i had gotten uncomfortable, so i moved around so that my head was resting on Joe's shoulder.

It was the part of the film where Adam tells Mia that he wants her to stay, so he sings her a song; it sends me into floods of silent tears.

Joe suddenly realized i was crying, as he felt my tears trickle onto his hand which was resting on my shoulder.

'Oh Autumn don't cry!' He said, pulling me into a tight hug and kissing my forehead.

'But it's just so sad and so cute- he even wrote her a song' i sobbed, cuddling Joe tighter.

'I swear whenever we next watch a film we are not watching another sad film' he laughed.

He leant down and whispered into my ear, 'i'd write you a song about how you stole my heart'

Ficmas day 10

So this is getting cuuutttteee now.
Just putting it out there, if someone wrote me a song i'd die of happiness but lets be real- that's never gonna happen.

Last night i actually watched if i stay again, and it gave me a headache because i cried so much. Why do films do this to meeee?

Haha, anyways, i hope you have a good day x

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