Chapter 23

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*Joe's POV*
It's been a few days of messing around with Caspar and Autumn; and i think I'm falling for Autumn..
I haven't known her for long; but it somehow feels like forever. If i'm ever feeling desolate, Autumn will always be there to put a smile on my face.

The one thing was; how could i tell Caspar this?
Caspar is Autumn's Best friend, so he's bound to be protective over her. Also, i feel like if i told him i liked her, he'd say i'm not good enough for her..

I sat at my desk in my room, staring at my macbook's screen. I was trying to edit a video for the following Sunday; but it was clearly impossible. All that was on my mind was, how could i even get the chance to be with Autumn if i wouldn't be good enough for Caspar's judgment. Despite him being my best friend, he would judge me on how well i would treat Autumn, rather than what kind of person i am.
I know my self i would treat Autumn fairly; i'd never hurt her. But does Caspar know that?

Anyways, i better get my self in gear, i was helping my uncle out at work today at thatching roofs.
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and headed to get changed.


I ended up in this small village just outside of London. There was a few houses here with thatched roofs, so it looked like a cute place.

*Autumn's POV*

I slept at my grandparents house last night as my parents were working later than usual. I woke up and lay in bed for a while, waking myself up fully.
When i became fully wide awake i heard voices outside, so i decided i would go and take a look.

I grabbed my dressing gown, put it on and walked downstairs into the kitchen where my grandmother was.

'Good morning nan' i smiled, 'what's all the noise outside?'

'Morning darlin' , its just the roof thatchers. They've got a big old job for the neighbors, would you like to make them a cup of tea? There's two of them.' She asked.

'Okay, I'll go and take it to them when they're ready.' I replied.

I put my hair in a high pony and put my slippers on. After i had made the cups of teas (the thatchers and mine included) i took them outside to them.

At first, i didn't believe it was him.
I walked over to the neighbors front garden, and there he was, Joe was standing on the roof.
I looked a state- i'd just woken up and i still had my pajamas on.
However, i didn't really care.

'Hey Joe! Small world' i shouted up to him, causing him to look down confused. When he noticed it was me he smiled and climbed down the ladder.

'hey!' He said as he engulfed me in a hug, 'what're you doing here?'

'I'm staying at my grandparents house, this is my neighbors house. My nan said i should bring you some tea' i said as i handed him his drink, 'i'll leave the other guys drink on this wall.'

'That's my uncle. I'm just doing an odd job to get a bit more money in my pocket- and he needed the help' he explained.

'Well i best go make myself go look presentable now' i laughed, beginning to walk away.

'You look beautiful anyways' i heard Joe mumble, causing my smile to reach my eyes.

Ficmas day 5

Thank god it's the weekend! I'm so glad schools almost over too, for the Christmas holidays.

Last night i watched Joe + Caspar on the Alan Carr Show, it was so hilarious.
I also listened to Troye Sivans new album; and now we all know what I'm going to be listening to on repeat.
Also, thank you so much for 1k reads!
That's mad

Hope you have a good day

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