Chapter 45

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*Autumn's POV*

Life felt like it had become one big mess all over again.
I felt like i'd resorted to how i used to be..

It was already two days into the new year, and it wasn't a good start.
Ever since New years Eve, i hadn't looked at my phone.


I was downstairs in the kitchen, eating a bowl of granola.
I hated it how in front of my parents i had to act happy; like everything was fine.

My parents had left for work and the silence lead me into deep thoughts.

I was thinking about random things, until curiosity got the better of me.

I ran upstairs and searched for my phone. When i found it in my drawers, i grabbed the charger and plugged my phone into the nearest plug socket.

My phone started to turn on, and i couldn't help but feel nervous butterflies swarming inside of me.

My phone finally turned on..
I had 12 missed calls, 3 voicemails and 3 text messages..
They did care.

I swiped my screen to unlock my phone, and pulled down the top bar to see who the notifications were from.

8 missed calls- Joe
3 missed calls- Emilia
1 missed call- Caspar
3 text messages- Joe
1 voicemail- Caspar
2 voicemails- Joe

Firstly, i looked at my messages.

J: Autumn, where have you gone?
{31/12/15 23:16}

J: reply, please? I'm worried sick.
{31/12/15 23:30}

J: Happy New Year Babe. I wish i was spending tonight with you :( love you x
{1/1/16 00:01}

I know i shouldn't feel like this, but i felt guilty. I could just picture his face upset, and it killed me.
But i shouldn't feel like that, because he probably didn't even mean it, he probably didn't even mean 'love you'.

Next thing to check: voicemails.

{Voicemail left at 23:06}
Caspar: 'Aut where are you? You're scaring me. Why did you leave like that? Do you realise how much Joe is loosing his mind from worry?' He rambled.

'Oh Aut..' He sighed.

'When you get this- ring me back, yeah?' And he ended the voicemail.

When i ran away, i didn't even think about how they would react. I just did it out of hurt... Now i realized i may have hurt Caspar and Emilia too.

{Voicemail left at 23:21}
Joe: 'Autumn, where are you? Why aren't you answering my text?' He spoke worriedly.

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