Chapter 43

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*Autumn's POV*

It was early in the morning and i was snuggled up on the sofa with a cosy blanket.

My dad had made me a Cadbury's hot chocolate, with a candy cane coming out of the top. Although it scalded my throat, i gulped it down so the liquid warmed up my stomach from the cold outside.

Eventually, there was a knock on the door; which i had been expecting.
Joe stood there with a Santa hat on, smiling whilst holding a sack full of presents.

'Oh you really are Santa then!' I joked.

I shut the door behind him.
I pulled him into a hug, and his hands wormed their way around me. They rested against my back, freezing. But the warmth of me warmed him up too.


After a while, we finally did our gift giving. We had all exchanged presents.
I had just Given Joe his; a new vlogging camera with his favourite after shave.

Now the only gift left was mine from Joe.
He handed it me, with his hands shaking.

'I hope you like it' he smiled sweetly.

I carefully unwrapped it, and saw what was on the inside.
It was a small, velvet black box.

I looked up, to see a smirk tugging at his lips, and my parents looking confused.

I opened it, and there appeared to be a beautiful silver ring.
Encrusted in it was the date '19,08,15'.. The date me and Joe first Met.

But why had he given me a ring?

'Don't worry. I wasn't planning to propose just yet' he laughed, looking towards my parents

'It's a promise ring. To promise I'll always be here for you' he smiled, looking back over to me.

I looked up with tears in my eyes; and i just let them fall.

'Oh no, Don't cry! Don't you like it?' Joe asked, coming over to hug me.

'No no, it's not that- i love it so much. It's so beautiful.' I cried.

'Then why are you crying?' He laughed, wiping away my tears.

'Because nobody has ever done anything like this for me before.. T-thank you Joe' i grinned, kissing him on the cheek, whilst he put the ring on my finger.


Later on that night Joe drove us over to Zoe's house. When he was there he could drink because he didn't have to drive home as we were staying there.

We were all watching a Christmas film when Joe suddenly broke our concentration.

'Look! It's snowing!' Joe cheered, pointing outside.

'Lets go outside then!' Zoe smiled.

She came running over to me, and pulled me over to the shoe cupboard.

'You can borrow some of my spare wellies and a warmer coat' she said sweetly.

After she borrowed me some spare things, we all headed outside into the snow.

I don't know who it was, but someone shouted something i know we'd all regret later.


And with that we went into a war of snowballs, firing them at all different angles.
We didn't stop until we could no longer feel our fingers; and basically all of my body felt numb from the cold.

Everybody went inside, except Joe held me back.

'Let's build a snowman together' He chuckled, smiling at me, causing me to melt inside.

And despite me feeling numb, we somehow managed to build a perfect snowman.

We were just about to walk inside, when Joe pulled mistletoe from his pocket out of no where.

'I think the tradition is, to kiss under the mistletoe?' Joe questioned with a smirk planted on his face.

'Oh, we can't ruin a tradition then can we?' I giggled.

He held me around the waist and our lips connected. They no longer felt numb- they just tingled from the warmth of his lips.

We walked inside, hand in hand, and carried on with the night ahead of us.

It was the best Christmas ever.

Ficmas day 25

Good morning,

I think this is the only morning I've gotten up early ahha.
I can't believe this is the last day of Ficmas for me :(
I've enjoyed it so much + i hope you all have too.
I'm not sure when I'll next update- but hopefully before new year :)

I hope you all have an extra- special day today, + I'll hopefully see you lot soon!x

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